Friday, April 29, 2011

In a minute - your life could change...

I try to remember this particularly in one of those funky moods - that in minute life could turn around, just as in a minute you could be thrown a curve ball.  You know by now I love quotes - there is one that says

“It's not how many times you fall that matters,
it's how many time you get back up.”

Although, intellectually,  I realize these 'funky moods' are nothing more than an inconvenience they really get to you when you can not escape from them..... that is when it is necessary to look around and pull from the strength of others.  My gift was holding our class last night - where I received a few hugs and as always, was in awe of the courage & fortitude of these survivors.

"Every day may not be good, but there's something good in every day."
~Author Unknown

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Grey days and funky moods....

all come to an end..... waiting for this, too, to pass......


"Nothing ever becomes real until it is experienced.
Even a proverb is no proverb until your life has illustrated it. "
~John Keats

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Big Week Coming Up.......

Women to Women - Thursday, April 28 - Huntington Hilton 6 - 10 pm - Debbie will be there to represent while I hold our Body in Balance class...look at this panel... you have got to go....

Kelly O’Malley, MD Aesthetic Medical Studio
 Kat James, MD Bestselling Author
Joyce O’Brien, Author of Choose to Live
 Roxanne Carfora, DO Board Certified in Anti-Aging
 Debi Silber, Lifestyle Fitness
Karen S. Barbosa, DO Breast Surgeon
 Pina LoGuidice, ND Naturopathic Doctor
 Nina Mirsakov, DO Cardiologist
Navel Expo -  Sunday May 1st  9am - 9pm- don't forget to come and see us and learn from the best on Long Island.. 64 lectures you better decide how to divide your time...

Fortune 52 Debbie and I will be honored - please come and support us - you are the reason we continue to do what we do!

The next Fortune 52 Networking Event is on Monday, May 2nd from 6-8 pm at Tanger at the Arches.....
THE MALL...does it get any better than that??

This is a free event that celebrates LI's most unique and inspirational women!

If you'd like to attend one of the best networking events around email me at to be added to the guest list.

and then the day to day 'move ahead work' we face.  Life is Good!

"In the arena of human life, the honors and rewards fall to those who show their good qualities in action." ~Aristotle

Friday, April 22, 2011

Happy Earth Day....

Only 41 years old "Earth Day" - I can remember the hoopla about it and how it took off and sustained itself for 41 years.  Kudos. The unfortunate part is that there are still so many easy ways to help the cause that remain undone. 

I trust that you are doing your best and applaud that and I ask that you consider doing one more than best - add one more 'earth friendly' action to your list.

Let's think about this - can you walk instead of using your car? can you shorten your shower? are you recycling cans, bottles, papers and plastic bags?  do you bring your own bags to the grocery store? do you recycle old eyeglasses? do you recycle old electronics? do you wash you clothes in cold water? do you turn down the thermometer in winter and raise it a bit in summer?...I know these are these easy ones and should be second nature - but I also know of intelligent individuals that do not comply.

Just google you will find thousands of ways to help our world - I am confident you can choose one more,- here's what I found...

Let's us just be conscious of what we are doing and I know we can find a way to save.

"All of us have a God in us, and that God is the spirit that unites all life, everything that is on this planet. It must be this voice that is telling me to do something, and I am sure it's the same voice that is speaking to everybody on this planet - at least everybody who seems to be concerned about the fate of the world, the fate of this planet."

~ Wangari Maathai Noble Peace prize winner, Deputy Minister of Environment, founder Green Belt movement in Kenya.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Tom Shadyac - "I AM" documentary....

The "basis of nature is cooperation and democracy. It's in our DNA."

Tom Shadyac sat in his new 17000 sq. ft. home in Hollywood and knew that something was not right - he was not any happier. 

After a serious bicycle accident suffering debilitating headaches and sensitivity to light and noise he shut himself away and knew he had to delve deeper into a new life journey.

His new life journey and ideas taken from nature focus on three ideals:
  • we are all connected
  • there is no reason to take more than we need
  • follow your heart's greatest desire

The new documentary "I AM" has received standing ovations - look for it in theatres around, I believe we will feel this movement.

What's wrong with our world?
What can we do about it?

"Determine what God hath given you and take from it what you need, the remainder is needed by others" ~ St. Augustine

Monday, April 18, 2011

Carly's Voice - Autistic Girl communicates how she feels

This is a "must see' video - Carly's Voice, so inspiring and hopeful as this young girl finds her way to communicate her feelings - and quite eloquently.

Read through her website - I will let you go to do that now...

“Faith is a knowledge within the heart, beyond the reach of proof.”

~ Kahlil Gibran

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Stress and Pain......

This is my own up close and personal experience with stress and pain.  As you may know I had a bad bicycle fall last July 4th which required many stitches to my right calf - but luckily no muscle damage.  I have not been on a mobile bike since then.  Yesterday was my first experience and I was the 'whimp of all whimps' - so damn worried about the sand and the cracks etc. that I applied the brake on every downhill, afraid of any speed at all. In the end - I did the 14 miles very slowly -however,  too afraid to look up and enjoy any scenery whatsoever.

I dismounted, loaded the bike on the car and immediately felt a twinge in my left lower back..... I believe it was all stress related.  The good news is after a few advil and a the night's rest - I was good to go on the 8 mile hike today. My hopes are to rid the fear as soon as possible - I will do another bike ride this week and move onward. Wish me success!

Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgement that something else is more important than fear." ~ Ambrose Redmoon

Friday, April 15, 2011

Mushrooms for Cancer Survival....

Mushrooms for Cancer Prevention and Survival ....(via The Cancer Project)

For centuries, Eastern medicine has explored the health benefits of mushrooms. Today, researchers are finding that certain properties in mushrooms appear to have anticancerous effects. In 2009, a study from southeast China found that women could reduce their risk of breast cancer by consuming a small amount of mushrooms. When the women in the study included green tea, their breast cancer risk decreased even more. Intake of fresh mushrooms (greater than or equal to 10 grams per day) and dried mushrooms (greater than or equal to 4 grams per day) decreased risk by 64 percent and 47 percent, respectively. The most commonly eaten mushroom in this study was the white button mushroom; one small white button mushroom weighs 10 grams.

So why mushrooms? Apparently mushrooms have multiple beneficial effects on the body that work synergistically to signal certain receptors, which then enhance the immune system. Extracts from certain species of mushrooms are now used pharmaceutically to combat diseases. Some antifungal proteins in mushrooms have been shown to inhibit enzymes that stimulate the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), and have also shown to inhibit tumor cell proliferation. Beta-Glucans are a type of polysaccharide (long chains of glucose) found in mushrooms. These polysaccharide substances appear to stimulate the immune system.

Unlike pharmaceutical drugs, mushrooms do not have to go though numerous trials in order to be found “safe.” Their ability to modulate the immune system is promising. The research is not perfect, but mushrooms (like many other plant foods) offer for a healthful option for breast cancer patients, survivors, and those looking for ways to prevent cancer.

Reishi mushrooms (rarely found in nature) contain more than 400 different bioactive compounds. Similar to the phytonutrients found in brightly colored plants, mushrooms offer multiple ways to protect the body from foreign invaders. For example, they promote anti-inflammatory responses, protect from chemo and radiation therapy, stimulate antihormonal responses, regulate sleep cycle, and contain potent antioxidants. Because of the various beneficial roles mushrooms exhibit, many nutritionists encourage increased mushroom intake. Shitake, portabella, and chanterelle mushrooms are some of the better known types available.

Wong JH, Ng TB, Cheung RC, et al. Proteins with antifungal properties and other medicinal applications from plants and mushrooms. Appl Microbiol Biotechnol. 2010;87(4):1221-1235.

Ramberg JE, Nelson ED, Sinnott RA. Immunomodulatory dietary polysaccharides: a systematic review of the literature. Nutr J. 2010;9:54

Sanodiya BS, Thakur GS, Baghel RK, Prasad GB, Bisen PS. Ganoderma lucidum: a potent pharmacological macrofungus. Curr Pharm Biotechnol. 2009;10(8):717-742.

Zhang M, Huang J, Xie X, Holman CD. Dietary intakes of mushrooms and green tea combine to reduce the risk of breast cancer in Chinese women. Int J Cancer. 2009;124:1404-1408.

Lull C, Wichers HJ, Savelkoul HF. Antiinflammatory and immunomodulating properties of fungal metabolites. Mediators Inflamm. 2005(2):63-80.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

SPOHNC "Tasting Event"

Strength for Life was privileged to be a part of the 2nd Annual Tasting event held by SPOHNC (Support for People with Oral Head and Neck Cancer). This gala was held at the Stuart Thomas Manor, Farmingdale last night to a filled room. The goal was 200 and I believe they reached and exceeded their goal.

You may have read earlier blogs about SPOHNC - a group we so admire for their strength and support of each other and it showed last night.  There were baskets galore for chinese auctions - which represented such hard work of collecting that array of gifts, the 50/50 peaked at $4600 because the sales force was busy and the food was 'scrumptous'.  40 restaurants donated a feast that spanned the width of the room - with more than enough to feed the masses.

We can never say enough about SPOHNC - their members are genuine, warm and welcoming and their resources are widespread.  It gave me great hope to hear again that SPOHNC launched in 1991 with 9 people in a support group now has over 100 chapters (3 on Long Island).  Their hard work and perseverance continues to shine and help others. Please take a moment and look through their website there is so much to learn about the incredible journey of Nancy Leupold, MA, President & Founder and others.

"Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work."  ~Thomas Edison

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

"Finding your bliss in cancer"

The author of a new book  "Finding your bliss in cancer" will be having a discussion on May 3, 2011 @ 7 PM on the importance of balance between the emotional and physical aspect before, during and after the cancer diagnosis. It is for anyone that was touched by cancer in their life.

It will be held at:
 Panera in Bayside
2358 Bell Boulevard
Bayside, NY 11360
(718) 423-7600

Please RSVP if you wish to attend at
“We read to know we are not alone.” ~ C. S. Lewis

Monday, April 11, 2011

Hiking from Bow Drive, Hauppauge to Lakeland Park

Sunday April 10th we added another 10 mile to our 'hiking across the Island' plan.  We are just missing one link which we plan on completing next weekend - from Lakeland Park to Connetquot.  Connetquot we have not hiked the complete park but we have snow shoed it - so we can consider it completed. 

Our feat from Sunken Meadow State Park to Heckscher - will be done. Yea!!

Yesterday on our hike we finally saw the fox that we have been waiting for - and OMG so big.  Ironically this photo was in today's Newsday - two of our hiking friends together.  And yes - the fox we saw was as big as this one but more beautiful - he was a vibrant red orange!

Just had to share...after we complete the Sunken Meadow to Hecksher plan we will start west - to east hiking trails.

"When you have worn out your shoes, the strength of the shoe leather has passed into the fiber of your body. I measure your health by the number of shoes and hats and clothes you have worn out." ~Ralph Waldo Emerson

Friday, April 8, 2011

Foods that fight pain........

I mentioned the plethora of information I was introduced to at the Cancer Project's 'Food for Life' training last week including one of Dr. Neal Barnard's books entitled "Foods That Fight Pain".  Although I have just started reading it - the very first chapter is on back pain.  We know that between 60 - 80% of the population develops back pain at some point in their lives. I do not believe I was ever exposed to the idea that food could alter this process.

As a personal trainer we know to stretch and strengthen the core muscles in an effort to be pain free but have not been advised (by any instructor at any time) to change the diet to achieve similar results.

As I mentioned I have just begun  to read the book - but you know I had to share this thought so you can do your research and reading asap.  Back pain can be debilitating and if we can receive a level of comfort with our diet - that's reason enough to try.

“The doctor of the future will no longer treat the human frame with drugs,
but rather will cure and prevent disease with nutrition.”
~ Thomas Edison

As you may know, Strength for Life was founded in memory of Evelyn Knapp, co-founder of Personal Training Institute; it is fitting that we embrace the "Food for Life" program since Evelyn was among the leaders in combining an 'exercise and nutrition program' in 1987.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Tips from the '21 Day Vegan Kickstar'...........



Being healthy isn't just about eliminating the junk from your body or from the food that you eat—it's also about eliminating the junk that clogs up your life. It's all part of the formula that brings you to the B.E.S.T. (Balance, Energy, Stamina, Toxin-Free) version of yourself—from the inside out, the outside in, and everything in between. It's not just about your weight—it's about your whole life picture. Because they are all part of the same thing. After all—everything is connected to everything.

I really believe that you can't be a healthy person unless everything is working together. True health comes only when every aspect of your life is integrated. Your body, your mind, your relationships, your living space—all of it! Health is a TOTAL picture.

With every step you take, you get one step closer to achieving the ultimate goal of finding a way of life that doesn't deprive you. A way that fills you with the satisfaction of knowing you are treating yourself the way you deserve to be treated—stronger, healthier, and with better clarity, both physically and mentally. You will have boundless energy and an improved sense of total well-being. You won't be able to help but carry yourself a little differently, and I guarantee that everyone around you will say, “I want what you're having!”

Five Tips For Better Digestion

Your stomach doesn’t have teeth! Make sure to chew your food well in order to break it down. In fact, don’t swallow until you can literally “drink” your food.

Dine at a leisurely pace. It takes 20 minutes for the "I'm full" signal to be received by the brain. That’s why it's important to eat slowly enough to allow the brain to perceive that you’re full.

Don’t gulp liquids with your meals. It's better to drink 15 minutes before or at least one hour after you eat. If you must drink with your meals, sip rather than gulp.

Don’t eat when you’re upset. Stress activates the fight or flight hormone cortisol and it creates belly fat. The body hoards fat during a crisis and protects itself with a layer of fat around the middle.

Exercise aids digestion by speeding up the process. Couch potatoes frequently suffer from constipation.

Know Your Assets and Liabilities We all have those things about our bodies that really bother us, as well as those things about our bodies that we love. I always believe in playing to your strengths. You know, accentuate the positive. Since this is kind of an assessment period, figure out what you think is right about your body and what is bothering you about it. You can even pick a body part to focus on this year. I do this every year. Last year it was the year of the butt, and it was arms the year before that. What will it be for you this year? Where will you focus your exercise, alignment, and posture? And not only should you decide on what you want you to change this year, you might also want to weigh and measure yourself, as well as assess your appearance in the mirror. You’re starting something new, so why not take a “before snapshot,” if for no other reason than to prove to yourself later on how far you’ve come.

Never Leave a Room Empty Handed This is my number one organizational tip! I call it “Never leave a room empty-handed.” I learned this from my mother as she made it mandatory in our house to grab something that was out of place every time you exit a room. If you do this throughout your day, your home will always be organized, and you won’t have the usual mess at the end of the day. You will also learn to develop an eye for knowing what needs to be removed, moved, or replaced. It will seem like your house cleans itself.

Make Exercising Convenient When you want to exercise, if you’re the type that takes forever to get out the door or to find and gather all your gear, I suggest making your exercise as convenient as possible. The easier it is to do, the more likely you’ll do it and stick to it. Designate one specific spot to put all your exercise clothes and equipment. Choose a drawer, box, trunk, basket, or anything else that conveniently holds everything in one place. When you know where everything is, it’s easy to get right to it. Exercise is easy when it’s not a hassle to get started.

Show Up To Play One of the things I'm reminded of daily is that the people who seem to get the most out of any process are the ones who show up and really throw themselves into the whole experience. People who hold back and sit on the sidelines and criticize never seem to be having as much fun as those who go out there and try anything, even if it means making a mistake or making a fool out of themselves. There are so many people who are afraid of making a mistake that they never take a chance. Don't be one of those people from the school of "keep quiet and they'll let me live." Don't just show up—show up to play.

36-Hour Solution The ability to make sound decisions in life is a huge key to success. Today I want to share with you my little secret for making tough decisions. I call it the “36 Hour Solution.” Whenever you're faced with an important decision, or confronted with a problem, give it 36 hours to allow your perspective to change. To me, 36 hours is the magic number—because by then you’ve kept yourself from overreacting, and you’ve had time to examine all possibilities from every angle. Waiting 36 hours also takes you into a different headspace, because you’re addressing the situation at a different time of day. And you know how important that can be. Sometimes, by waiting 36 hours, the problem solves itself.

For more great suggestions : Visit the 21 Day Vegan Kickstart

"Every human being is the author of his own health
or disease.” ~Buddha

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Nick Charles embracing life....

CNN sport anchor Nick Charles shares his poignant view of life....

Nick states "never give up on life"....."it's imperfect, it is filled with huge adversities and little annoyances .....but in terms of what happens to us is 20% and how you react to it is 80% ...... remember you have control about how you view everyday......"

Among the words are Nick Charles' life tips:
  • Don't get married early.
  • Travel the world.
  • Have a love of language and literature.
  • Learn to love your own company so you're not needy.
  • Ask yourself where do you want to be tomorrow? What about in 5 years, 10 years?
  • What do I require in a relationship? What am I capable of giving?
  • Enjoy little moments and turn them into ecstasy.
  • Fasten onto the positives of life.

But my personal favorite is
"When that day comes, he says, he'll dance around the ring, his head held high, a smile on his face. "In the 12th round, somebody is going to raise my hand. I'm going to be victorious.

"I finally got my life right."

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

21 days to better health...make a commitment

and try this '21 day kickstart' from the Cancer Project - food for optimal health.

"Make your own recovery the first priority in your life."

~Robin Norwood