Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Meet Lorine, a 'survivor' podcast...

click for podcast

Lorine was one our 2013 Recognition Dinner Honorees, 

please read more about why we are honored to have her with us.

Excerpts from 2013 Recognition Dinnner, 

Our Honorees ~ Lorine Seewald



"The secret to a rich life is to have more beginnings 

than endings."

~ David Weinbaum 

The Tutu Project and more....

I just have to share these inspiring stories of love... 

This Guy Traveled The Country In A Pink Tutu Just 

To Make His Wife Laugh During Chemo

and then there is this:


and finally, our own Tina, whose son  shaved his long, 
long locks in support of his mom! 

Tina Marquis Kirsimäe's photo.

“Love is all we have, 
the only way that each can help the other.”


LI2 Day Walk, June 7, 2014

Strength for Life, a nonprofit organization providing free exercise classes and wellness retreats for cancer patients has been chosen to be a beneficiary of the 2014 LI 2 Day Walk. In the last 2 years Strength for Life has been awarded grants from the LI 2Day Walk and we are dedicated to 100% involvement in this upcoming event. 

The LI 2 Day Walk has changed its’ format for 2014, it will now be a 13.1 mile, one day walk held on June 7th, 2014.  The walk will take participants along a scenic route overlooking the Smith Point Beach and then through the local neighborhood.  Participants will have a wonderful lunch and then head back to Smith Point Bridge in the final procession and celebration of survivors which will end with a closing ceremony. 

If you have not had the opportunity to participate or view this awesome event you will be amazed at the emotional celebration of these survivors.  Please consider joining in this celebration.

In addition, the LI 2Day has also expanded its mission to raise awareness and funds for other women’s cancers.
Strength for Life is proud to be a beneficiary of the LI2Day walk, we invite supporters to join “TEAM STRENGTH FOR LIFE” and be a part of this inspiring event

Registration will open in January.   

Contact, or visit our website