Friday, April 30, 2010

Harvey Mackay

"Find something that you love to do and you will never have to work a day in your life."

I'm living the dream!!!

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Katherine Russell Rich....

an amazing storyteller with an amazing story.

I received an email about the success of her battle with cancer - 17 year survivor from stage 4 breast cancer, the secrets she kept, the fight she had, the scare of the return and the changes she made in her life....

Although I have only started with her journey she is such an easy read - love success stories!

Here's the lowdown -

"The Red Devil: to Hell with Cancer - and Back" first entitled "Chemosabe" In this book she shares with us when she was told that she had one or two years left - she didn't want a blow out trip to the Galapagos, no perfect meal at Alain Ducasse, no defiant red Maserati.....all she wanted was ordinary life back because it became clear that ordinary life was more valuable than anything else.

"Dreaming in Hindi" her adventure in India............ teaching us that in Hindi -night doesn't fall , it spreads; when you sunbathe, you eat the sun; the word for yesterday and tomorrow are the same telling us that it is only when you are in today that you are here, when you are in yesterday or tomorrow you are in blackness. You can take the trip with her!

So you know what I will be doing - reading these books - but which first?!!!

Just had to share!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Checking on your 2010 goals.....

So, how are you doing?

Did you write down your 2010 goals? Are you getting closer to achieving it?

If not, (you are not alone) but you have time to renew that promise to yourself.

If so, GREAT JOB- so proud of you! Time for another one....

Remember, your goal should be clearly stated - write it down, and when doing this write it down as a positive!

it should be reasonable and attainable - perhaps you need to break it down into smaller more easily attainable goals; this time add dates and small achievements that you can measure and reward yourself with each goal you do accomplish.

something genuine that you desire to achieve for yourself;

Keep in mind:
S - specific
M - measurable
A - attainable
R - relevant
T - time bound

"Decide what you want, decide what you are willing to exchange for it. Establish your priorities and go to work." H. L. Hungt

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Dr. Calapai WAS my favorite.......

....until he said to cut down carbs to 30 grams. OMG, I get it but my one slice of bread with peanut butter for breakfast was 20 grams and I haven't started my day. That breakfast, peanut butter and bread keeps me satisfied for many hours - that is why it is my breakfast of choice, never knowing where I will be and when I will eat.

There is the next problem, I am not planning properly - to get these five to six small meals you need to plan; pack and be ready for the day.

Dr. Calapai reinforced all the other speakers at the Great Long Island Million Pound Challenge in saying we need to be tested - are we absorbing the nutrients we are consuming? The results of his blood work runs 10 -20 pages, very comprehensive. We may need vitamins but which ones? and which combinations?

After listening it is so easy to throw your hands up or follow up, make changes and enjoy the process. We do not know how good we can feel when we are in balance. It's like getting a massage and having them find a knot in your muscles that you have been living with. They can relieve it and you will feel much better but unless we find the cause it is sure to come back. It is all about the foundation in everything. Improper shoes - cause imbalances - cause compensation - cause.....on and on.

For me, cut down the carbs - not eliminate - I need that baby step you know.

What I found most interesting on my introduction to Dr. Calapai was his seminar on metal toxicity, fascinating information connecting metal toxicity and auto immune diseases. Dr. Calapai is board certified in chelation therapy (please refer to his website for explanation - too vast for me to summarize). His website is worth exploring, so many articles to peruse...have fun!!!

Monday, April 19, 2010

Are you reading me yet????

Have you noticed the underlying current of forced patience (sounding better as learned patience)... here's an example of how it works. I have an old (20+) year old refrigerator that I have been moving around with me - as an extra. You know the garage refrigerator filled with drinks, primarily.

With the "green" initiative and lessons on how to economize our life, I called an tried to unload the garage refrigerator. Well, I live in a condominium complex with private sanitation - so it was going to cost me to discard the ol' garage refrigerator- to a tune of $75 or so. And there were other issues with the it sat, plugged in with very little inside.

Last Sunday's paper - LIPA - will recycle your old, working refrigerator AND give you $35. Praise the Lord - (sorry I really do not want to waste this small praise) but lo and behold, today 8 days later - they came and took the ol' garage refrigerator away to the recycling center. Hooray!

My reasoning for sometimes going against who you are -I rarely wait - I prefer to ACT, but there are times when wait is the answer. Another lesson learned - or relearned!

"The two most powerful warriors are patience and time."
Leo Nikolaevich Tolstoy

Friday, April 16, 2010


What are we doing wrong?

Debbie saw that Kings Park High School raised $400,000 ; last week in the paper a wonderful group "moms who kick for breast cancer" raised $25,000 for American Cancer Society.

In case you want to know, I am scratching my head!

Our focus is on holding classes and the wellness weekends in addition we must do fund raising. Should it be reversed- fund raising - primarily! Our mission is about educating and reaching as many as we can - in order to do this we need to fund raise...!

We have big plans, we need a jump start -an angel!

We are definitely growing - we have many things in place, we have met many of the right people and then........wait!!!! .....
...for the next step. I suppose that is where the frustration comes - because we are ready in many ways but held back for the moment.

We are grateful for many wonderful things, many extraordinary people and will wait quietly, patiently for the right time. Amen!

"Patience is passion tamed." Lyman Abbott

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Shout it from the rooftops.........

Alright you all, don't get carried away................ but we have great news!!!!

Stony Brook Cancer Center has signed on the dotted line and we can hold our classes at the cancer center as of May 2010. We have been to the center on a few occasions to speak at different support groups - so this is a natural fit. YES!!!

We also had an amazing meeting with Stony Brook about incorporating help from their graduate students. Our stalemate with many community giving grants is measuring outcomes of our program and these students can help substantiate that. Yes, we can see in eight weeks the cancer patient progress from one set of exercise with a rest 45 minutes non-stop exercise. But how do you document and present that visual in the written word.

So here is how you can help us return a favor -

May 8, the Bench 5K Run - for Play Fit-Stay Fit/The Sunrise Fund

join us and support this organization for a fun run to benefit pediatric cancer!!!!!!

Friday, April 9, 2010

Dr. Garry D'Brant.........

Last night at the Big Long Island Million Pound Challenge, Dr. D'Brant discussed the role of the adrenal gland. I had forgotten from Anatomy & Physiology exactly what role they played - I knew it was hormones of some sort. In any event - it was explained clearly for us all.

One common link through these six weeks of lectures by our finest Long Island Medical Professionals - is that it is not always our fault! At least that is what I am grabbing onto, those pounds that have slowly embodied us (although exercise and diet have not changed significantly) could be the sluggish adrenal gland. They are two walnut shaped glands sitting above our kidneys "watching" what is going on with our blood flow, and all our other organs.

Can I say, once again, "you should have been there!". The Big Long Island Million Pound Challenge is about educating us so we can spread the word. We need to address the state of obesity! In the very near future (I say that because I forgot the year) we will have a population 100% overweight.

Further to Dr. D'Brant's explanation of the adrenal gland he addressed detoxification and the proper execution of detoxification. This is not "the one day a week" fasting of the 70's; nor simply water fasting - the body needs nutrients to help detox. This is not an overnight, in a week, or even in a month plan, to achieve complete balance. Again, too much for my blog - thank God for search engines and our referrals to great doctors.

Dr Carfora mentioned the all important saliva test, Dr. D'Brant furthered that- something you might want to consider discussing with your doc and sharing this information with your friends and family.

In the end, Dr. D'Brant gave us a few tools:

  • Breathe! every morning spend ten minutes breathing quietly. The simple act of conscious breathing creates profound benefits for the body and sets the tone for the entire day.

  • Eat in a calm peaceful environment. Turn off all electronic devices such as televisions, radios, cell phones, etc. while eating. Quiet talk with family or friends is fine but do so without any other stimulation at all.

  • Chew your food slowly and thoroughly. The process of slowly chewing your food helps relieve the body of stress in attempting to digest food that is too large. The recommended amount of chewing is between twenty and thirty times for each mouthful of food.

  • Spend ten minutes everyday either outside in the sunshine or sitting in a window where sun comes through (if it is too cold to go outside). Do this quietly or with gentle, relaxing music playing in the background.

  • Go to sleep no later than 10:30 pm. This helps the adrenal glands regulate the quality and character of your sleep. Going to bed later puts a stress on the system that can make sleep more difficult and not as nourishing. This may require that you turn off the television earlier and allow yourself time to relax and be ready for sleep.

Simple enough! You can meet Dr. D'Brant at the NAVEL EXPO, on May 2, 2010 at the Huntington Hilton - there are few words to describe the overall benefit from attending this expo and the education you will receive in a day.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Star Trac......

First to offer.... a spin bike for a raffle. Awesome!

Thank you Star Trac, and Jess for pursuing the contact on our behalf. As I mentioned - we need the contact person and POOF! it's easy!

Now you really have to start training for the November 21,

"Evelyn Knapp Memorial Run"-

you could win a Star Trac Spin Bike.... in addition to supporting Strength for Life.

Everyone wins - love the concept!

"Teamwork is the ability to work together towards a common vision. The ability to direct individual accomplishments towards organizational objectives. It is the fuel that allows common people to attain uncommon results." Andrew Carnegie

Wednesday, April 7, 2010


and how long will this last?

So the warm weather brings to mind outdoor activities, BBQs, tomatoes, fresh basil, pretty flowers. I'm ready!!!!

However, today from 7:30 until 6:30 I have been sitting at this computer screen writing for $$$$. This girl is no grant writer but I thought perhaps I could muster up some small-grant writing abilities. So here's the plea - do you know of anyone who can offer some grant writing expertise?

You have read in earlier blogs, we are shameless, we will ask for anything. We clearly know our limitations and have no problem giving credit for successes to those responsible for the successes.

I wrote on Facebook today - how many ways you can support us. From supporting our Ragnar Relay athletes, to supporting our brave jumpers, to attending our Casino Night Gala to the newest event....

It's been a long time coming...our first annual

"Evelyn Knapp" Memorial Run!!

Planned with direction from GLIRC, the Greater Long Island Running Club for Sunday, November 21 at Sunken Meadow State Park. So start your training sessions now - we want everyone to participate!

Sponsors, sponsors & more sponsors - can you think of anyone, any company, any school, any organization who would help. Let us know!

All ideas are considered- we certainly do not claim to have the answers - just the drive to get this done.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

From Walk theTalk.......

Commitment is what transforms a promise into reality. It is the words that speak boldly of your intentions. And the actions which speak louder than the words. It is making the time when there is none. Coming through time after time after time, year after year after year. Commitment is the stuff character is made of; the power to change the face of things. It is the daily triumph of integrity over skepticism.
~ Abraham Lincoln

Sunday, April 4, 2010

In the news.....

letter - you will see the challenges we face even with spell check. I sat right next to Debbie as she spell checked the newsletter - I recall sponsorship, sponsoring etc - but I suppose if we neglect to hit SAVE - it is all for naught! So all of you "typo nuts" - this was like a search game - hope you enjoyed. And yes, indeed - I suggested myriad (with a d") for the description of help from the C. W. Post students simply because they continue to amaze us with ways to help.

Here's a plea, if you can help us secure sponsorships for the Casino night and/or the fall run - we appreciate it. We met with GLIRC, the Greater Long Island Running Club to engage their help in our first annual "Evelyn Knapp" Memorial Run and they presented us with a daunting list of expenses. Costs from $150 - $2000 for the variety of necessities in organizing this event. Not too proud to beg - if you can assist in any way - we appreciate it!

"When you become detached mentally from yourself and concentrate on helping other people with their difficulties, you will be able to cope with your own more effectively. Somehow the act of self-giving is a personal-power releasing factor." Norman Vincent Peale

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Dr. Matthew Lewis and Chef Marilyn Chiarello .....

Great night once again at PTI, Greenvale. Alex Lubarsky of the NAVEL EXPO continues to outdo himself, by engaging incredible health professionals to speak at the Big Long Island Million Pound Challenge. Raw food recipes...incredible and I can share them because they are not only delicious but so simple.

Point # 1 - Standard American Diet stands for SAD - over processed, highly adulterated food.

Point # 2 - Adopt one meal of raw, whole foods and you will have a 33% raw diet.

Point # 3 - Commit to yourself to do it over time. This kind of change is not going to happen overnight- you all know I do love baby steps.... and Dr. Lewis knows this worked for him.

Creamy Kale Salad

1 large bunch of kale
1 - 2 tomatoes
1 - 2 lemons
2 avocados
Himalyan or Celtic Salt
Extra Virgin Olive Oil (optional)
Optional - cayenne, scallions

Strip kale off stalks, then cut or tear into bite size pieces (can use food processor). Add salt and hand process until "cooked." Add lemon, olive oil, diced avocado and continue to hand process. Add chopped tomatoes and optional scallions and toss. Sprinkle with optional cayenne.

Check out the benefits of kale.....use your search engine.

Lemon Torte

Base layer:
2 cups plump Thompson or flame raisins
2 cups raw organic walnuts (could be soaked and dehydrated)

Process raisins and walnuts (S-blade) into grainy dough consistency. Shape torte onto dish.

1 cup medjool dates, pitted and soaked in water
2 Tablespoons freshly squeezed lemon juice
small amount of soak water if necessary

Process or blend dates and lemon and spread on base layer. Cut and serve.

Check out the benefits of walnuts........

Two gifts from Dr. Lewis and Chef Marilyn (Creating Wellness Center of Commack)- try these simply delicious recipes!

Update on C W Post students.....and Divine Intervention

OMG - they are wonderful!

To date, changes are being made to our website, by a friend of one of Prof. Freeleys students - once removed and still getting help. A very talented web designer - if anyone is in need.

a Business Plan is in the works - first draft presented to us;

tomorrow we will be filming a press kit and starting an exercise video;

many more attempts to help are in the works!

Thank you!!!!

Divine Intervention- such a believer. As you might have read in the earlier post about the wellness weekend, Evelyn's three daughters joined us this weekend. We feel blessed! Since that time - all good things have been spinning around us! Today we were contacted by a family member who knew nothing of our organization in memory of Evelyn - and they want to be a part of it... full circle!

We contacted GLIRC, Greater Long Island Running Club and they were anxious to help us put together a run in Evelyn's memory, simply because so many knew and respected her.

Please understand - how we know that timing is everything! We have made attempts before to accomplish much - but hit road blocks - and for the moment, we are in sync with it all.

"Life is all about timing...the unreachable become reachable, the unavailable become available, the unattainable...attainable. Have the patience, wait it out, it's all about timing." Stacey Charter