Friday, April 9, 2010

Dr. Garry D'Brant.........

Last night at the Big Long Island Million Pound Challenge, Dr. D'Brant discussed the role of the adrenal gland. I had forgotten from Anatomy & Physiology exactly what role they played - I knew it was hormones of some sort. In any event - it was explained clearly for us all.

One common link through these six weeks of lectures by our finest Long Island Medical Professionals - is that it is not always our fault! At least that is what I am grabbing onto, those pounds that have slowly embodied us (although exercise and diet have not changed significantly) could be the sluggish adrenal gland. They are two walnut shaped glands sitting above our kidneys "watching" what is going on with our blood flow, and all our other organs.

Can I say, once again, "you should have been there!". The Big Long Island Million Pound Challenge is about educating us so we can spread the word. We need to address the state of obesity! In the very near future (I say that because I forgot the year) we will have a population 100% overweight.

Further to Dr. D'Brant's explanation of the adrenal gland he addressed detoxification and the proper execution of detoxification. This is not "the one day a week" fasting of the 70's; nor simply water fasting - the body needs nutrients to help detox. This is not an overnight, in a week, or even in a month plan, to achieve complete balance. Again, too much for my blog - thank God for search engines and our referrals to great doctors.

Dr Carfora mentioned the all important saliva test, Dr. D'Brant furthered that- something you might want to consider discussing with your doc and sharing this information with your friends and family.

In the end, Dr. D'Brant gave us a few tools:

  • Breathe! every morning spend ten minutes breathing quietly. The simple act of conscious breathing creates profound benefits for the body and sets the tone for the entire day.

  • Eat in a calm peaceful environment. Turn off all electronic devices such as televisions, radios, cell phones, etc. while eating. Quiet talk with family or friends is fine but do so without any other stimulation at all.

  • Chew your food slowly and thoroughly. The process of slowly chewing your food helps relieve the body of stress in attempting to digest food that is too large. The recommended amount of chewing is between twenty and thirty times for each mouthful of food.

  • Spend ten minutes everyday either outside in the sunshine or sitting in a window where sun comes through (if it is too cold to go outside). Do this quietly or with gentle, relaxing music playing in the background.

  • Go to sleep no later than 10:30 pm. This helps the adrenal glands regulate the quality and character of your sleep. Going to bed later puts a stress on the system that can make sleep more difficult and not as nourishing. This may require that you turn off the television earlier and allow yourself time to relax and be ready for sleep.

Simple enough! You can meet Dr. D'Brant at the NAVEL EXPO, on May 2, 2010 at the Huntington Hilton - there are few words to describe the overall benefit from attending this expo and the education you will receive in a day.

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