Saturday, June 25, 2011

What to Buy Organic.....

The List: The Dirty Dozen and The Clean Fifteen

"Eat your fruits and vegetables! The health benefits of a diet rich in fruits and vegetables outweigh the risks of pesticide exposure. Use EWG's Shopper's Guide to Pesticides to reduce your exposures as much as possible, but eating conventionally-grown produce is far better than not eating fruits and vegetables at all. The Shopper's Guide to Pesticide in Produce will help you determine which fruits and vegetables have the most pesticide residues and are the most important to buy organic. You can lower your pesticide intake substantially by avoiding the 12 most contaminated fruits and vegetables and eating the least contaminated produce.

Commodity crop corn used for animal feed and biofuels is almost all produced with genetically modified (GMO) seeds, as is some sweet corn sold for human consumption. Since GMO sweet corn is not labeled as such in US stores, EWG advises those who have concerns about GMOs to buy organic sweet corn."

"Nothing would be more tiresome than eating and drinking
if God had not made them a pleasure as well as a necessity. "

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Live Feed Information to follow Raul's trek!!!

Just call us high trek!!!

Of course - we need to wait for him to begin...I will keep you posted when he decides to take his first step...will be either Saturday or Sunday :)

Monday, June 20, 2011

Back to Hiking.......

Friday night Debbie and I finally met with Raul Perez, our hiking fundraiser who will be leaving Saturday or Sunday 6/25-26 for the 50 mile trek on the Appalachian Trail - ending on the Connecticut border.  The H3Initiative - Hammock Hiking for Humanity was brought to us by Divine Intervention.  You may have read an earlier post about this, to summarize I read about some incredible Long Islander's achieving outstanding goals - and verbalized to Debbie I wanted to consider a Hiking fundraiser.  Within days we received an email that we had a new fundraiser...usually we have asked others to join in an event or have some knowledge.  I wrote an email back and inquired about what they were interested in doing - and Raul answered he decided to raise money for a charity and chose Strength for Life for his Hiking Fundraiser.   (there are no coincidences)

We have been emailing back and forth - had a few meetings cancelled and finally met the  'Water Monkey" Raul Perez.  Raul has been camping and hiking all his life and has a number of very informative videos and Hiking 101 tutorials, if there is anything you want to know - he has the answers and suggested sites.

Raul's goal was to raise $2000 - he is at $1465 - if you want please help him achieve his goal...

Raul will be sending us a live feed for his trek - we will add the feed information as soon as we get it.  We will be able to track his progress and guarantee there will be videos to follow the event.  Raul has a great sense of humor - you will be entertained and informed.

Now for me, myself and I - we started to hike the Paumonok Path - the goal is to hike the entire 125 miles to Montauk by the end of summer - but not overnight trips. This girl likes a shower and bed to rest her weary feet. Yesterday we started at the Trail Head - in Rocky Point and did five miles out and back - next time we will go the 10 miles or so in one directions leaving the cars at different locations.  FYI - Paumonok means Long Island to the  Algonquins...  Wooded and remote - we saw one runner, then two other runners on a side road and a dead baby deer - very sad... also a few butterflies - little else but green - ferns and evergreens and more.  The bad part - was lone star ticks that loved my socks....too many to discuss - and that freaked me out a bit.   I am so not a nature girl when it comes to that. 

Lesson learned - because the Paumonok Path is very narrow and overgrown long pants and gators are the way to go. In the end - it is nice to have another goal and there is nothing like the quiet and beauty of our Long Island.

"If you are seeking creative ideas, go out walking. 
Angels whisper to a man when he goes for a walk. "
~Raymond Inmon

Monday, June 13, 2011

Watch this movie - give it some thought

From June 11 - 13 only!!!! extended until the 20th

The Great Cancer Hoax: The Brilliant Cure the FDA Tried Their Best to Shut Down...   

The beginning is heart wrenching;  the education is priceless..... this is quite lengthy but it is interesting throughout....and definitely thought provoking..

In case you do not make it to the end  ...."...current approaches to combat cancer rely primarily on the use of chemicals and radiation, which are themselves carcinogenic and may promote reoccurrences and the development of metastatic disease..."

Since 2009, permission for the final phase of FDA clinical testing to allow antineoplastons to be FDA approved has been granted. The only obstacle are the $300 million needed to pay for this final phase of clinical testing....and the FDA requiring children with inoperable brainstem glioma to also undergo radiation in these Phase 3 trials, claiming it would be "unethical" not to do so.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Another Retreat Testimonial....

"I had a wonderful time at the strength for life week-end. Sometimes I get myself in a rut and can not get myself out of it. This week-end has renewed my inspiration and had gotten me moving again. Monday morning I was up by 6am and out walking by 7:15. I did that every morning this week and then I came home and read some Scripture and meditated for half an hour. I have been doing this for years but I kind of lost interest about a month ago but I have it back again. THANK YOU SO MUCH . I am so grateful, I know this helps me to feel better about my health and about myself. God bless you all."
Love, RoseAnne

We can't ask for more!

Thursday, June 9, 2011

they keep making it easier....

While I waited at Best Buy for a new printer (ARRGHH!) I came upon this advertisement...
E Zip Trail Z.  My initial understanding was that you can adapt your bike with a battery operated system to assist you when needed.  Of course I googled this when I got home - the E Zip Trail Z sells electric bikes that allows you to monitor your output and assist when you need it -  (hills I say).  I believed that this would be the impetus for weekend warrior cyclists to attempt longer rides - they are their own SAG wagon.

I believe we are moving in the right direction - very interesting - however, the bike weighs 68 lbs - that is a lot of weight and probably you would need assistance. I am curious to see the new improved models to come.

I am more inclined to invest in a tri-motorcyle....

Words of wisdom ..."I feel happy of myself...." 

Sunday, June 5, 2011

As always, we want to share with you the information from our Wellness Retreat this weekend at the Hyatt Windwatch, Hauppauge - another great event because the presenters were absolutely awesome - and this group had great chemistry and  good energy.

Peter Bongiorno, ND, L. Ac (Inner Source Health) spoke at breakfast. This Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine shared a plethora of information for us all. Vitamins - which ones? how much and too much?; your gut - how healthy is it? and what can we do for best absorption?; organic foods; green tea and exercise were mentioned over and over. There were questions galore for Peter as you can well imagine, and the pens and papers were taking down many many notes..

Dr. Pina Lo Giudice, ND, L Ac (Inner Source Health)will be featured on Dr. Oz this Friday, June  10 at 4:00 pm discussing Natural Antiobiotics.

Visit their website for a schedule of talks available by Dr. Peter Bongiorno and Dr. Pina LoGiudice

And please take a moment to write to our legislators in support of licensing Doctors of Naturopathic Medicine. Use this link - it will take a minute of your time for a lifetime of healthy choices in care (

Penni Niles volunteered once again to introduce Zumba to our participants.  Many did not even know what Zumba was but took part and enjoyed it immensely.  It is a great way to move your body, work up an appetite and have fun, fun fun... Since so many  enjoyed the class I am sharing Penni's information with you....

The Zumba Gold class is geared for beginners, Active Olders or anyone with any kind of physical challenge, but there are many levels and choices for you to consider.  

Zumba Gold at the GSB YMCA in Bay Shore every Wednesday 11:15am-12 noon

Penni's other information (for her classes has changed since our last retreat) - please call or email and find a class to  join - you will love it!!!  

Dean Telano, ND, PHD, MS, E -RYT 500   True Living Yoga ( I hadn't a clue what E-RYT 500 means...Registered Yoga Alliance Teacher... fyi) has a unique background I must say:
B.A., Nutrition and Food Science, Queens College, Flushing, NY
M.S., Exercise Physiology, Long Island University, Brooklyn, NY
Doctor of Naturopathy, Clayton College of Natural Health, Birmingham, AL
Ph.D., Doctor of Philosophy in Natural Health, Clayton College of Natural Health, Birmingham, AL

** I am so sorry to say I missed his presentation but only heard the best of feedback from everyone. Debbie and I met Dean Telano and I am drawing from our first meeting because I heard he did cover this information at the presentation.

We were taught some simple practices for meditation - the "three syllable practice" AH OM HUNG; and "Breath Finger Counting" - great tools to begin to incorporate meditation into your daily life. Of course (you know I liked this) we were told to take baby steps!
3 - 5 minutes a day - you can do this. Those will be among the most valuable minutes of your day. There are ongoing meditation classes at True Living Yoga .
Worth your time and peace of mind....

But please take advantage of this offering - 'Day of Healing'. we have had a dear friend that participated in one of the last healing days events - and was so pleased - this is a day to invest in yourself.

True Living Yoga / Bon Buddhism of Long Island:

Spiritual & Physical Healing
How to Live Your Life in Harmony

For all who are ill, in need of a healing, or would like to learn how to live your life in harmony, join on us Sunday, July 17, 2011 to receive teachings and healing from Renowned Buddhist Teacher & Healer from India: Geshe Murig Nyima Kunchap Rinpoche.

This Special Event will include:
·         Spiritual/Physical Healing, Energy, Yoga of Ancient Tibetan Tradition of Bon Buddhism
·         Learn How to Live in 21st Century with this Beautiful Practice & Bring Balance to your Life, Relationships, Career, Environment and Nature's Healing Elements 
·         A Healing and Blessing Ceremony

Date: July 17, 2011
Time: 10:00am – 5:00pm
Location: True Living Yoga, 268 Larkfield Road, East Northport, NY 1731
Phone: (631) 486-3843   
Cost: $60

Seating is limited – don’t wait, register today!  Call or visit our website for more information.
Food and refreshments included.

Here is an interesting article from the MDAnderson Cancer Center...
Teaching Our Brain Flexibility: Meditation to Manage Stress

Carolyn Cavaccha, LMT - White Lotus Massage - our Tai Chi instructor wears many hats....Carolyn is opening a new facility in Hauppauge for massage and therapeutic exercise including yoga, tai chi and isolated stretching techniques. You would be in the best hands choosing one of the massages offered by Carolyn and any classes she offers.  Please support her new endeavor - Carolyn has been very generous with her time to benefit you and Strength for Life.

 (631) 521-3510

Rosemary Maginnis Reiki Sojourns Rosemary has joined us on our wellness retreat journey from the beginning and we are blessed for meeting her. ....."Reiki is an ancient gentle, hands-on Japanese technique that reduces stress, promotes relaxation and enhances self healing. Reiki restores energy balance and vitality by relieving physical and emotional effects of unreleased stress wherever it is needed. Since each of us is unique and our beings can be unbalanced in different ways,, the benefits of Reiki can be different for you at different times in your life."

Reiki Sojourns offers many ways to get involved with Reiki - including individual Reiki sessions, monthly Reiki healing circles, Reiki certification classes (all levels), guided meditation sessions ..etc.
Take advantage of one or all of them.

Did you know that there are many local hospitals that are incorporating Reiki as a complementary approach to traditional care and Dr Oz allows Reiki practicitioners in his operating room. YES! we are honoring some great additions to traditional medicine.
  • Southside Hospital
  • Columbian Presbyterian
  • Beth Israel
  • John Hopkins
  • Manhattan Eye, Ear & Throat
  • Memorial Sloan Kettering
  • Cancer Treatment Centers of America
Dr. Oz seems to be a common thread today - perhaps we are destined to be on his show.....

Laura Cerrano - Feng Shui Manhattan - Again we were blessed to have met Laura an 'old soul' we all agree. Laura spent many hours with us once again.  Laura explained about the Bagua (life station map), placement of furniture, colors, mirrors, bedrooms, success, wealth and suggestion is call Laura for a consultation. Based on the testimonials I have read about Laura- you will receive unexpected and welcomed changes in your life by making small changes in your environment.

Laura demonstrated proper protocol to follow for a smudging with white sage. A smudging is performed to cleanse negative thoughts, negative or bad spirits and energy. She pointed out that between cancer treatments it is a good practice to smudge the area you reside in. If you google 'smudging' - there is much information on how to and why - read all about it - there is no wrong way if your intention is pure.

Laura led us through and art project addressing the release of some unnecessary feelings/beliefs we have been carrying with us.  We had to adapt the original idea a bit - but that's how you roll in life.  Water balloons were filled - 100+, then we dipped them in paint and threw them and the unnecessary thoughts at a white painted board.  (we did this outside ;) ) The project was a work in progress constantly changing - it was like watching fireworks with oohs and aahs..... And it felt so good to 'let it go'.

The Viana Hotel and Spa - the first ever Feng Shui Designed and Leed Certified Hotel and Spa on Long Island... was one of the projects by Feng Shui Manhattan. 

***Here is where the paths cross - Dr. Pina LoGiudice will be holding a viewing of her appearance on the  Dr. Oz Show at the Viana Hotel and Spa this Friday....

"We are each of us angels with only one wing,
and we can only fly by embracing one another."
~Luciano de Crescenzo


Jacqui and Debbie,

This weekend was a truly wonderful experience. I met some really special people and learned some fantastic new skills. All of this would not have been possible if it weren't for the two remarkable people that made the whole experience happen, YOU !

Thank you so much
It was an experience I will never forget.


What a wonderful organization.  I am a recent breast cancer survivor and this was the first organization I reached out to for support.  What a positive experience.  I was part of their wellness weekend which was free to any cancer survivor and what an enlightening experience.  It was such an uplifiting weekend and I learned so much about so many ways to get my life back on track and stay healthy; physically and mentally.  I was afraid before I went that it may be a bit of a "downer" being with so many others with cancer but it was just the opposite, it was such a celebration of life and a very positive experience.  Thank you from the bottom of my heart to the top of my bald (from chemo) head.


Dear Debbie & Jacquie:

WOW!!! don't know what I had expected this weekend.  BUT it was truly amazing.  The group was just perfect--still have aches this am but I'm smiling & joyful that I went.  Thanks again and keep in touch. 


Hello Debbie & Jackie,
I can't thank you enough for the wonderful weekend.  It was a wonderful experience, better than I imagined!  If there is ever anything I can assist you with, please do not hesitate to ask.  I would love to volunteer for the next event you sponsor.
Thanks again,