Friday, December 18, 2009

Add a little "Simplicity" into your life...

Okay, we all know this is a completely CRAZY time of the year--gifts to buy, holiday's to host, snow storms to battle, so WHY do I pick this time to challenge my body and squeeze in something for myself???

Rosanne, owner/instructor of SIMPLICITY YOGA in Kings Park, answered that question for me last night after my very first Hot Vinyasa class. After putting my body into positions I never thought possible, finding muscles I never knew existed and being pushed to the point that my body was shaking while holding some of the poses, Rosanne lowered the lights, took us through some guided meditation and told us to thank ourselves for doing something positive and healthy-because WE CANNOT GIVE OF OURSELVES IF WE DO NOT GIVE TO OURSELVES--wow-what a profound statement!

I have heard, before, that we can't take care of others if we do not take care of ourselves-but it never quite hit me like it did when Rosanne said it last night. When you think of everything we give to others everyday -to our children, to our spouse, to other family members, to our friends, to our job and to everything and everybody attached to all that, is it "selfish" to give an hour to yourself?? No way--we all deserve it. So please, make it a point to "give" something to YOURSELF today, your body, mind and spirit will thank you for it!

With love and happiness, (and a lot of soreness!)

Check out it's worth a look and definitely worth a visit or two!

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