Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Yes to Mather!!!!

We got the final 'go-ahead' to hold classes at Mather Hospital, this has been a work-in-progress for 4+ years.  Our first presentation was at the Breast Cancer Support  Group "Live, Love and Laugh Again"  at Mather and we have wanted to have classes there for some time - they are responsible for the decision to become a 501 (c) 3..... full circle.

The classes will be held on Saturdays - time and start will be decided on shortly.  This may be a nice combination with our other classes to ensure the survivors get more than one day of directed exercise, as well as expand our scope.

Still working on North Shore Hospital STARS Rehabilitation Center in East Meadow - red tape... These are great connections for Strength for Life - if you have an in - give a nudge for us.

Having all sorts of Face Book issues since they are phasing out the old group format - now we added a new page Strength for Life - Non Profit - but of course there are  many others using the same name -...what to do to ensure we are all on the same and correct page!!!

You may have received an email to like us at Strength for Life Non Profit - that is the reason why.

"It is one of the most beautiful compensations of life,
that no man can sincerely try to help another without helping himself."
~ Ralph Waldo Emerson


NOTE: How much coffee does it take to get the maximum cancer protection? The study found that men who consumed six or more cups of coffee per day, over almost two decades, cut their risks the most, while those who drank a more moderate one to three cups daily reduced their risk of prostate cancer by 13 percent.

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