103 year old still riding... Inspired????
He's a little embarrassed to be on a three wheeler rather than a two wheeler - God Bless him - he is out and about. Just recently my sister suggested I might look into a three wheel cruiser - and I felt like Octavio a little embarrassed. I have had my motorcycle license for almost ten years - sans motorcycle and since I had such a bad bicycle fall last year - they are concerned it may not be to my best advantage to start riding now....hmmmmm - If a three wheel cruiser will keep me feeling young - it may be the solution - I can still have the wind in my hair (under the helmet in NY) and a sense of free spiritedness.
So Octavio is still out riding his cycle - what are you doing? 5 months into the year - are those goals being met? have you adapted them... remember the quote and let's get back on track.
can you get one with a side car....for me? he,he,he,he!!!