Tuesday, May 31, 2011

East Meadow/Nassau here we come.....

Received a phone call from Stars Rehabilitation and it looks we got the green light to hold classes there - just need to finalize the paperwork - YES!

Originally we wanted to keep our classes out of a clinical setting because we thought they would have a much better atmosphere...however, the Stony Brook classes at the Cancer Center really took off and the affiliations with the hospitals lend credibility to our program - so bring it on - we are thrilled.

Stay tuned for further details....

"Without continual growth and progress,
such words as improvement, achievement, and success
have no meaning."
~Benjamin Franklin

Sunday, May 29, 2011

The strength and determination to continue your path...

I watched this incredible video  "Heather Dorniden of the University of Minnesota races the 600m at the Big 10 Indoor Track Championships" and felt compelled to share it with any of who are not on our FB page and can not see the share there.

What a lesson!  This is one girl showing us a real life lesson.  We train, we plan, we expect certain results and sometimes you fall, you find a wrinkle in the plan - what then....throw your hands up and believe that it is over or fight for whatever the best result is - and win!

I can relate this to many situations - our cancer survivors, of course, come to mind - the brave determination to fight the battle of the word "cancer".  The word alone starts a rumbling - and then we have 'the way it was presented' - not always in a 'positive outcome' way but you must accept the battle and move forward in a mindful health driven way.  I have heard so many incredible stories, so many unbelievable circumstances that have been averted, so much success.... "Believe you have received it and it will be yours".  The law of attraction, the power of positive thinking - whatever you want to call this - just BELIEVE.

And..... ' there but for the grace of God"  - we all face these falls in our lifetime - they could be a daily inconvenience, they could be life altering - all the same - they must must be faced with the determination to overcome them - to move forward toward our goal.


Success in any endeavor does not happen by accident.
Rather, it's the result of deliberate decisions,
conscious effort,
and immense persistence
— all directed at specific goals.
~Gary Ryan Blair

Friday, May 27, 2011

REBOUNDING for Lymphedema & much more

I just have to cover this exercise because the benefits are invaluable to all of us. Rebounding (that small personal trampoline) has phenomenal benefits. We first learned of the effects of rebounding compressions during our cancer exercise specialist certification – and it stuck. The amazing part is that you can start with 2 min of small compressions on the rebounder 1 -2 times a day and work yourself up to more time – and you will because it is easy, it is fun, it is convenient and you will see results. Enough said?!

Believe me, as a personal trainer, I have heard every excuse ‘not to’ exercise and trust me I have heard myself say a few as well. It doesn’t matter what your excuse of the day is – just do something. Exercise is not fun – sports are fun – that’s recreation – exercise just has to be done it is that simple – it is like brushing your teeth - just do it.
Regarding the mini trampoline and the lymphatic system – there are articles galore out there in cyberspace however I am citing from the Better Health Update by Monte Cline, Clinical Nutritionist.

Lymphatic Cleansing Effect

To me, nothing is more important about rebound exercise than the unique way it affects the lymphatic system. Most people don’t know a lot about their lymphatic system, since our education and media is obsessed with our other circulatory system—the cardiovascular system. The lymphatic system is a second circulatory system that relates primarily to immune response and drainage. The lymph is a clear fluid containing T- and B-Lymphocytes. Dr. Morton Walker, in his book, “Jumping for Health”, describes the lymph system as the:

“…metabolic garbage can of the body. It rids you of toxins, such as dead and cancerous cells, nitrogenous wastes, fat, infectious viruses, heavy metals, and other material cast off by the cells.”

I like to think of it as the “storm sewer” system of the body, while the digestive tract is the regular sewer system.

Lymph is moved by hydraulic action. The lymph vessels are full of one–way valves that open up only in the direction of the heart. When the pressure below a valve is greater than above (such as when you’re moving downward on your bounce on the rebounder), the valve is pushed open to allow the lymph to flow.

The main distinguishing point between the lymphatic system and the cardiovascular system is that the former has no heart—no pump. So how does the lymph fluid move through this system? There are three ways to move the lymph:
  1. Muscular contraction from exercise and movement
  2. Gravitational pressure on the lymph vessels
  3. Internal massage of the lymph vessel valves

When we move the muscular contraction squeezes the lymph vessels, moving the lymph along. Walking and almost all exercise have this effect. But rebound exercise stimulates all three of the above, perhaps better than any other single exercise.

The most common health problem of our world is about cleansing congestion from the lymphatic system. It’s called the common cold. Few people understand that a “cold” is a lymphatic cleansing reaction. Anything we can do to keep the lymph moving better helps prevent colds or assist in healing them. The worst thing you can do for a cold is what most people do—take decongestant drugs to“dry up” the lymphatic drainage …and thus thwart the lymphatic cleansing process!

Arthritis Effects

Foreign substances entering our joints provokes an immune system response by lymphocyte white blood cells to clean up the toxins involved. But what if those toxins aren’t drained from the joint by the lymphatic system? What if they just get caught in the joint cavity? Then the synovial cavity lining surrounding the joint is damaged.

The joints actually do have a “drain plug” in the form of lymphatic vessels to eliminate the toxins. But for that lymph drainage to work, the lymph must be flowing. You need movement—exercise—and the best exercise for stimulating that lymph flow is rebounding.

Today, rebounders are even made with a sturdy handle bar they cost from $45 – 300 – for the purpose we are using them I have purchased the $45 model which has held up very well. After becoming very comfortable on the rebounder you will begin to spend more time on it – you can jog in place on it and even jump around a bit – it can be fun trying different experiences.

Further reading:

Lymphedema can happen at any time - my own mother had her first flare up 10 years after her surgery - be mindful of your body and take the best care of it today!
"Knowledge is of two kinds. We know a subject ourselves,
or we know where we can find information upon it."
~Samuel Johnson

I support this whole-heartedly....

Q: As I move from active treatment to survivorship, how can I ensure that I am getting the care I need and doing all that I can to avoid recurrence?

A: The following are 10 tips for moving forward.

  • Get a summary of your treatments. Have a list of what surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy doses you received so that you can communicate these to your primary care providers. This will help you plan for the next tip on the list.

  • Make a plan for monitoring the long-term effects of your cancer treatment. Talk to your doctor about the potential long-term effects of your treatment and what to watch out for. For example, some cancer treatments can increase the risk of cardiovascular problems or second cancers; others can have an impact on your bones.

  • Learn how to manage the fear of recurrence. First, find out your risk of recurrence from your healthcare provider. Second, remember that risk is based on averages and does not apply to you as an individual. Third, consider counseling or other assistance to help you face your fears and move forward.

  • Get moving. If you choose one healthy thing to change in your life, physical activity is likely to have the fastest effect on how you feel and also potentially reduce your cancer-related risks. Make opportunities to walk or take stairs. If it’s just too hard to do alone, find an exercise program to join to get you started. Check your local YMCA for a LiveSTRONG® exercise program near your home or workplace.

  • Eat well. Your diet doesn’t have to be perfect, but fruits, vegetables, and whole grains can make a big difference in how you feel. Eating healthier foods can make it easier to avoid the things that add weight or complicate digestion. Talk to a nutritionist if you are unsure what is healthy for you or if you have digestion problems.

  • Live a healthy lifestyle. Exercise and nutrition are just a part of the big picture. To help ensure your long-term survival and a better quality of life, stop smoking, limit alcoholic drinks to one per day, and use sunscreen to protect your skin. Also make sure you get sufficient vitamin D. Your doctor can do a blood test to measure the vitamin D in your body and make recommendations for how to get the right amount.

  • Reclaim your body. Most women gain weight following breast cancer treatment. Weight control is important. Menopause, tamoxifen (Nolvadex®), and aromatase inhibitors can lead to body changes and weight gain. Check with your doctor and a nutritionist and consider joining an exercise program to help you control your weight and build muscle instead of fat.

  • Manage your symptoms. Don’t suffer unnecessarily. Talk to your doctor if you have fatigue or lack of stamina that does not improve with time, “chemo brain” that makes it hard to work or remember what you need to do, or other aches, pains, and symptoms that make it hard to enjoy your life. Make an appointment to focus solely on the symptoms that reduce your quality of life.

  • Connect with other survivors. Although your family and friends are great support pillars, many women find it immensely valuable to talk or exercise with women who have experienced what they have and truly understand what it’s like to be a survivor.

  • Make use of available resources. Explore the options online and in your community for cancer survivors and especially breast cancer survivors.
For more information about survivorship, visit www.fhcrc.org/patient/support/survivorship, call (206) 288-1046, or check www.LIVESTRONGCarePlan.org.
Dr. Karen Syrjala is a clinical psychologist and the co-director of the Survivorship Program at Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center. She also serves as director of the center’s Biobehavioral Sciences Program. Dr. Syrjala says the best thing about working with cancer survivors is their eagerness to live life to the fullest. “I feel honored to do my job because I am working with people at a time of life when they’re most open to new experiences and they’re most able to make changes in their lives,” she says. Dr. Syrjala received her doctoral degree from Boston University and completed her postdoctoral fellowship at University of Washington and Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center.

 "Progress lies not in enhancing what is,
but in advancing toward what will be."
~Khalil Gibran

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Sharing Hikes from the Greenbelt Trail...

Long Island Greenbelt Trail Conference

Membership is  $20...this a great way to get outdoors and MOVE - there are all levels and no reason not to go.  Remember - bring water, nutrition, sunblock and bug spray - light colors are best to notice any little critter that might want to take a ride on you :)

"Thoughts come clearly while one walks." 
~Thomas Mann

Sat. May 28 - AFTERNOON ON THE WANTAGH TRAIL: 1:00 PM - 3-4 miles - easy - flat - Info: Rich or Lisa, 516-826-8339.
Join us at the trailhead of Nassau's newest Greenbelt Trail; hike along a path bordering streams, ponds and wetlands abundant with wildlife; this is the hike featured in a Part 2 cover story in Newsday last fall; bring camera/binoculars and snack if you wish; children 10 or older welcome; meet at the gazebo on north side of Merrick Road in Mill Pond Park, ½ mile west of Wantagh Pky. Exit W6W; rain cancels.

Sun. May 29 - GREAT SOUTH BAY TO GREAT RIVER:1:00 PM - 4 miles - easy - flat - Info, Tom or Sherri, 631-567-9484.
Hike from Timber Point to the Great River LIRR station on our L.I. Trail; easy, interpretive pace; bring water; rain cancels; meet at Great River LIRR station (NY 27 to Connetquot Ave., south to station; park on south side) E: 2caseys@optonline.net.

Sat. June 4 - NATIONAL TRAILS DAY CELEBRATION:10:00 AM - various lengths - moderate - varied - Info: Website, www.ligreenbelt.org
Join us for the Grand Opening Ribbon Cutting of the new Manorville Loop Trails for hikers, mountain bikers and equestrians and the beautiful new reroute of the Paumanok Path; at Hot Water Street in Manorville (from L.I.E. Exit 70, head south on C.R. 111, pass Halsey Manor Road and soon after make left turn through divider at Hot Water Street to entrance); choose from hikes on the loop trail or the Paumanok Path reroute; open House celebration at the Pine Barrens Trails Information Center (1/4 mile north of L.I.E. Exit 70) from 11 to 3.

Sat. June 4 - CALEB SMITH SPECIAL: 10:00 AM sharp - 3, 4 or more miles - moderate - varied - Info: Dennis, (631) 366-0985.
Winter is over! Come and enjoy the morning sunshine and fresh air with a walk at Caleb Smith State Park, with its many different habitats, including freshwater wetlands, ponds, streams, fields and upland woods, bring water; hike length will depend on ground conditions; take Sunken Meadow Pky. to Exit SM3; go east on Jericho Turnpike (NY25) three miles to park, entrance is on the left.  From the East follow NY25 through Smithtown, past "the Bull" ¼ mile on the right; facilities are available, rain cancels.

Sat. June 4 - CAUMSETT CAPER:10:30 AM -  3-4 hours - moderate - varied - Info: Charlotte, 631-929-1035.
Explore this diverse state park on the Sound; not for beginners; rain cancels; bring water and lunch; fee for parking or free with Empire Pass;  from L.I.E. Exit 49, go north on NY 110 to NY 25A; make a left turn and go 3 traffic lights; turn right on West Neck Rd. and continue 6 miles to park entrance on left; meet in parking lot.

Sun. June 5 - BAYARD CUTTING CONCERT WALK: 11:15 AM - 3-4 miles - slow, easy - flat - Info: Quyen (Quinn), 631-234-5486, AM of hike only.    
Intended as a singles walk, but all welcome; enjoy the spectacular color of rhododendrons in full bloom and take a leisurely walk around beautiful gardens, ponds and the Connetquot River in Bayard Cutting Arboretum, followed by a free outdoor concert; bring water, lunch and a chair; rain cancels; meet at Bayard Cutting Arboretum, So. St. Pky. Exit 45E, east on Montauk Hwy about ½ mile to entrance on right; parking fee, or free with Empire Passport; joint hike with NHOC. E:qwpham@yahoo.com.

Thurs. June 9 - COLD SPRING HARBOR HILL HOP: 9:30 AM - 4.3 miles - fast - hilly - Info: George, 516-249-5041.
Not for beginners! Easily one of the toughest hikes on L.I. with an extremely rewarding view of the harbor and many ups and downs on the way to NY 108 and back; meet at the Nassau-Suffolk Greenbelt Trailhead on Harbor Rd. (NY25A) in the unpaved parking lot adjacent to the Cold Spring Harbor Library; bring water, rain cancels.

Sat. June 11 - WALT WHITMAN WANDERINGS: 1:45 PM - 3.8 miles - moderate - varied - Info: Shari, 516-721-0223.
Explore the highest point on Long Island along the Walt Whitman loop trail in West Hills; appropriate for families and scout groups;   bring water and snacks; from L.I.E. Exit 49 or N. State Pkwy, Exit 40, go north on NY 110; a mile north of pky., turn left at sign for Whitman Birthplace Hist. Site; turn left onto West Hills Rd., left again at stop sign at Reservoir Rd.; meet at Jayne's Hill sign near top of Reservoir Rd. E: hikegreenbelt32@yahoo.com.

Sat. June 11 - PINE BARRENS DISCOVERY DAY: Info:Commission Office, 631-224-2604, during the week before.
Take part in the Third Annual Discovery Day at the Suffolk County Community College Eastern Campus (C.R. 51, Riverhead), sponsored by the College, the Pine Barrens Commission and other partners. For additional information, call the number above, check the website, www.pb.state.ny.us, or e-mail info@pb.state.ny.us.

Sun. June 12 - HITHER WOODS LONG TOUR: 10:00 AM - 10+ miles - moderate - varied - Info: Rick, 631-267-6608
Few hiking areas on Long Island offer the size and solitude of Hither Woods, Montauk's great wilderness, and fewer still can provide views of ocean and bay, plus deep woods; you'll see most of it on this day-long tour de force of about 6 hours; bring lunch and liquid; meet at Rod's Valley Park, west end of Navy Road, Montauk (from NY 27, go north on Second House Road to end, then left onto Navy).

Sat. June 18 - SHU SWAMP SAUNTER: 10:00 - 2-3 miles - easy - varied - CALL: Joe, 516-334-0076. 
Explore this fine preserve in Mill Neck; please call to reserve, as parking is limited; from NY 25A in Brookville, go north on Wolver Hollow Rd. (at Old Brookville Police station); at end, turn right onto Chicken Valley Road and pass Planting Fields Arboretum; turn right at Frost Mill Road, bear left to preserve parking on left; rain cancels.

Sat. June 18 - CALEB SMITH SPECIAL: 10:00 AM sharp - 3, 4 or more miles - moderate - varied - Info: Dennis, (631) 366-0985.
Come and enjoy the morning sunshine and fresh air with a walk at Caleb Smith State Park, with its many different habitats, including freshwater wetlands, ponds, streams, fields and upland woods, bring water; hike length will depend on ground conditions; take Sunken Meadow Pky. to Exit SM3; go east on Jericho Turnpike (NY25) three miles to park, entrance is on the left.  From the East follow NY25 through Smithtown, past "the Bull" ¼ mile on the right; facilities are available, rain cancels.
Sat. June 18 - TERRELL RIVER RAMBLE: 9:30 AM - 4 miles - easy - some hilly spots, mostly flat - Info: Ray, 631-764-1950.  Hike a beautiful trail looping around to a beach on Moriches Bay with views of a marsh; rain cancels; meet at Terrell River parking area on south side of C.R. 80, across from Audubon Center and Flight 800 Park; take NY27 to Exit 59, go south on Wading River Rd, bear right onto Railroad Ave., then left on Main St. (C.R.80); park is on the right on Main St.; additional parking across street.

Sun. June 19 - LAKELAND POKE-AROUND:1:00 PM - 3 miles - easy - flat - Info: Tom or Sherri, 631-567-9484.
Take an easy afternoon walk in Lakeland County Park and the north section of Connetquot St. Pk. Preserve, seeing the headwaters of the Connetquot River and diverse woods; rain cancels; meet at Lakeland County Park (L.I.E. Exit 58, south on Old Nichols Rd. to Johnson Ave., left to park; or L.I.E. Exit 59, south on Ocean Ave. to Johnson, right to park). E: 2caseys@optonline.net.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Weekend Report - hiking, biking, rock climbing, beach walking and stone skipping

Shelter Island, NY....

Skipped my first stones - maybe, maybe got a 4 skip - but from zero (I have tried this on many occasions) to four is fabulous
-  until you see the record of 51

NOTE TO SELF:  REMINDER : it's in the  journey...........and for me in the competition (self) next time should be 5 :)

and biking....from my fall last year when the pedal kissed my calf muscle -- I have the fear, heart wrenching FEAR of speed.  So the hills of Shelter Island ate up my brakes - for fear of speed. I didn't even mind seeing a hill up close and personal - UP close... but is there anything like having three fawn/doe cross the road ahead of you - beautiful!!!!

do you see where this is going????

well, you are wrong!  We had the most glorious hike at the Mashomack Preserve - did the 6 mile instead of the full  11 because we had a late start.  Absolutely beautiful!  Going back for it all - mark my word, as well as the trail was marked.

Now that leaves rock climbing....ok, now you can go back - this is so not a success story - BUT - it does leave me with the desire to do it again and excel at it.  Of course, I volunteered to be climber no. 2  of 14... mistake,  it took 3 tries to get the power to lift off and move on.   After sitting back and observing, I would have attacked differently - and in the end the group leader advised differently.  In any event - it was fun and I so love to feel that I want to go back and do this again.

I suspect that Newsday is following me....the day we saw the fox in the woods there was a photo of a fox in the paper; shortly after our seal sighting at Hecksher - there was a Newsday photo of a seal; as I returned from this trip - I notice Newsday did a full article on Shelter Island....

I get it - it is only an article away before they write about Strength for Life- perhaps the next Wellness Weekend - June 4 - 5 - keep your eye out - because we got the news before it happens.

It isn't what you have,
or who you are,
or where you are,
or what you are doing that makes you happy or unhappy.
It is what you think about.
~Dale Carnegie

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Food for Life - Educational Alliance Partners

As you may remember, in March I spent a few days in Washington at the Cancer Project's Food For Life training. It was an incredible experience that I would like to share with our cancer patients/survivors and with you. Strength for Life became Educational Alliance Partners with the Cancer Project allowing us to instruct their protocol to you. Food for Life is the adoption of a vegan way of life.

Foods fight Cancer.... especially a plant based diet, low in fat. I understand the quantum leap however I do believe we have all been adapting to some of these ideas already. Many are eating less red meat - more chicken and seafood. Many of us are eating low fat - no saturated fat, no trans fat already.

Let's take it further....The reason I chose to tell you about this now - is that the Cancer Project through the 'Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine" offers a 21 day kick-start program quarterly. I participated in April - and just read they have decided to add another kick-start in June... This will give you a head-start and trial period.... they give you simple and delicious recipes, advice and guidance. IF you are concerned about the ever growing information on nutrition and food additives - here is an opportunity to try it out.... you have nothing to lose and so much to gain - there is power on our plate!!!

Mark your calendars - June 16 is the day you start learning more about healthy eating and fighting disease with nutrition. In the event - you are a diabetic or a family member is - there is a protocol for diabetics as well. Take the plunge!

I was just reminded by a friend with diabetes how she learned the positive effects that fiber has on managing her disease. Fiber is of utmost importance in fighting these diseases as it helps rid your body of toxins, waste, hormones, excess cholesterol, chemicals and other undesirables. How much fiber are you consuming in a day??? Do you know???

I would also like to recommend a great website - easy to navigate that will help you learn what you are consuming. Livestrong.com - Daily plate...you enter your food diary and it calculates what you are consuming - and you will see what you have to change. The website has an unbelievable mass of food items - just be specific about your servings and choices and you will learn much about your eating habits.

25 gram is the minimum for fiber - ease your way to 40.

21 days to better health...make a commitment and try this '21 day kick start' from the Cancer Project - food for optimal health. http://pcrm.org/kickstartHome

"Make your own recovery the first priority in your life."
~Robin Norwood

Yes to Mather!!!!

We got the final 'go-ahead' to hold classes at Mather Hospital, this has been a work-in-progress for 4+ years.  Our first presentation was at the Breast Cancer Support  Group "Live, Love and Laugh Again"  at Mather and we have wanted to have classes there for some time - they are responsible for the decision to become a 501 (c) 3..... full circle.

The classes will be held on Saturdays - time and start will be decided on shortly.  This may be a nice combination with our other classes to ensure the survivors get more than one day of directed exercise, as well as expand our scope.

Still working on North Shore Hospital STARS Rehabilitation Center in East Meadow - red tape... These are great connections for Strength for Life - if you have an in - give a nudge for us.

Having all sorts of Face Book issues since they are phasing out the old group format - now we added a new page Strength for Life - Non Profit - but of course there are  many others using the same name -...what to do to ensure we are all on the same and correct page!!!

You may have received an email to like us at Strength for Life Non Profit - that is the reason why.

"It is one of the most beautiful compensations of life,
that no man can sincerely try to help another without helping himself."
~ Ralph Waldo Emerson


NOTE: How much coffee does it take to get the maximum cancer protection? The study found that men who consumed six or more cups of coffee per day, over almost two decades, cut their risks the most, while those who drank a more moderate one to three cups daily reduced their risk of prostate cancer by 13 percent.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

He's a little embarrassed to be on a three wheeler rather than a two wheeler - God Bless him - he is out and about.  Just recently my sister suggested I might look into a three wheel cruiser - and I felt like Octavio a little embarrassed.  I have had my motorcycle license for almost ten years - sans motorcycle and since I had such a bad bicycle fall last year - they are concerned it may not be to my best advantage to start riding now....hmmmmm - If a three wheel cruiser will keep me feeling young - it may be the solution - I can still have the wind in my hair (under the helmet in NY) and a sense of free spiritedness.

So Octavio is still out riding his cycle - what are you doing? 5 months into the year - are those goals being met?  have you adapted them... remember the quote and let's get back on track.

"Life takes on meaning when you become motivated, set goals, and charge after them in an unstoppable manner." ~Les Brown

Thursday, May 12, 2011

One week - where did the time go????

I have been crazy looking for sponsorship for the run and/or the video.  These are great opportunities for a company with a mission of helping others.  The video which is planned for a summer 2011 production will be distributed to our class/retreat participants so they will remember the exercises and how to properly do them.  In addition, we hope to distribute them to the medical community so they may embrace exercise as an alternative therapy during treatment and recovery and more importantly as prevention. 

You can help Strength for Life with an introduction to a local company decision maker.

The other thing, keeping me from this blog - is reading so much about Monsanto and GMO etc etc.  I am attaching a few links - in case you have missed these articles.  Can't we keep our food clean?!!! Frankenfish????

Just wanted to check in - share a few thoughts - pick your brain for sponsor suggestions - you know Debbie and I can not do this without your help!

"We are indeed much more than what we eat,
but what we eat can nevertheless help us to be much more than what we are. "
~ Adelle Davis

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Gearing up for the November Run...

Very busy gearing up for the "Evelyn Knapp 'Run to Remember"- reaching out for sponsors.
Fill in the blanks....,.

This is to cordially invite _____________ to become a participating sponsor of the 2nd Annual Evelyn Knapp “Run to Remember” to be held at Sunken Meadow State Park on Sunday, November 20, 2011.

Our Inaugural 5K Run attracted 520 registrants and was preceded by the Donal Hughes ½ mile “Fun Run” with more than 60 children participating. The proceeds go directly into the programs that Strength for Life offers ‘free of charge’ to cancer patients. We expect 1000+ this year since the course is one of the most challenging in the Northeast and last year the run was professional and timely. Last year 9,000 applications were distributed – 6,000 directly mailed to runners –  _______ can appear on all of them and much more….

Strength for Life provides exercise classes, equipment and wellness retreats to cancer patients on Long Island at no cost to participants. Founded in 2007, in memory of Evelyn Knapp, who lost her battle with breast cancer at 40 years old. As an exercise physiologist Evelyn knew the benefits of exercise and personally experienced how it helped during treatment. We became Certified Cancer Exercise Specialists hoping to share the information and empower cancer patients/survivors to feel their absolute best and regain their ‘strength for life’. After our first breast cancer support group presentation we knew we had to offset the costs somehow because cancer patients have astronomical costs even when they have insurance.

Strength for Life has recently been featured in Long Island Business News, featured on FIOS1 ‘My LITV” and ‘Live it UP’ Ch. 55 and honored by Long Island Press ‘Fortune 52’ celebrating Long Island’s unique and inspirational women. With that recognition comes growth and greater need for funds to maintain the programs at no cost.

What we are looking for from ______________ would be sponsorship of one of the many costs involved in the race. In return for your support your name and logo would appear on the thousands of applications that will be distributed throughout Long Island, on our website, on the race day apparel and mentioned in all pre-race and post-race publicity. We would be happy to cooperate in any and all other media opportunities that can further enhance the image of the event and __________ as an official sponsor.

We have an almost unlimited range of events to offer  _________    a  part in from sponsoring the race day apparel, printing applications, finish line service,  to trophies, food and race numbers.

"We are all dependent on one another, every soul of us on earth."

~George Bernard Shaw

Monday, May 2, 2011

Navel Expo - May 1, 2011

One of my favorite places to be - although the day outside was calling....

Debbie and I got a chance to see some old friends and supporters at Navel, Debbie showed off our Inaugural race day tee with their names displayed.... priming for our next invitation to sponsor the 2nd annual 'Run to Remember'. 9000 applications being distributed to the Long Island running community is reason enough to sponsor a 'very good cause' - don't you agree?!

The new kids on the block - and literally 'new kids' -  'Rockin' Wellness' - a whole body nutritional shake...of course I purchased this so check back for the official results.  These two - 'music loving - health minded individuals' with two unfortunate health issues - cancer and muscular dystrophy were promoting this mixture of the 'best of the best' ingredients.  Raw organic cacao bean, non GMO brown rice protein, raw organic goji berry, raw organic hemp seed, chia seed, raw organic maca root, organic flaxseed, acidophilus & more.  Don't you feel healthy reading all those ingredients....
If you want further information - www.RockinWellness.com

Now our friends at US Wellness Meats - also have new products to see - you know we are all about you consuming only grass fed meat products and Debbie can share how her sons commented immediately on the look of the meat and even better on the taste of the finish products.  From the mouth of babes.....

Mountain Valley Spring Water because we want you to stop...drinking from plastic bottles..... with the plastic leeching into your water....

Now for lectures - 49 incredible topics offered - check our the Navel Expo and do not miss the November event.

Knowledge is of two kinds. We know a subject ourselves,
or we know where we can find information upon it.

~Samuel Johnson