Saturday, April 24, 2010

Dr. Calapai WAS my favorite.......

....until he said to cut down carbs to 30 grams. OMG, I get it but my one slice of bread with peanut butter for breakfast was 20 grams and I haven't started my day. That breakfast, peanut butter and bread keeps me satisfied for many hours - that is why it is my breakfast of choice, never knowing where I will be and when I will eat.

There is the next problem, I am not planning properly - to get these five to six small meals you need to plan; pack and be ready for the day.

Dr. Calapai reinforced all the other speakers at the Great Long Island Million Pound Challenge in saying we need to be tested - are we absorbing the nutrients we are consuming? The results of his blood work runs 10 -20 pages, very comprehensive. We may need vitamins but which ones? and which combinations?

After listening it is so easy to throw your hands up or follow up, make changes and enjoy the process. We do not know how good we can feel when we are in balance. It's like getting a massage and having them find a knot in your muscles that you have been living with. They can relieve it and you will feel much better but unless we find the cause it is sure to come back. It is all about the foundation in everything. Improper shoes - cause imbalances - cause compensation - cause.....on and on.

For me, cut down the carbs - not eliminate - I need that baby step you know.

What I found most interesting on my introduction to Dr. Calapai was his seminar on metal toxicity, fascinating information connecting metal toxicity and auto immune diseases. Dr. Calapai is board certified in chelation therapy (please refer to his website for explanation - too vast for me to summarize). His website is worth exploring, so many articles to peruse...have fun!!!

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