Monday, April 19, 2010

Are you reading me yet????

Have you noticed the underlying current of forced patience (sounding better as learned patience)... here's an example of how it works. I have an old (20+) year old refrigerator that I have been moving around with me - as an extra. You know the garage refrigerator filled with drinks, primarily.

With the "green" initiative and lessons on how to economize our life, I called an tried to unload the garage refrigerator. Well, I live in a condominium complex with private sanitation - so it was going to cost me to discard the ol' garage refrigerator- to a tune of $75 or so. And there were other issues with the it sat, plugged in with very little inside.

Last Sunday's paper - LIPA - will recycle your old, working refrigerator AND give you $35. Praise the Lord - (sorry I really do not want to waste this small praise) but lo and behold, today 8 days later - they came and took the ol' garage refrigerator away to the recycling center. Hooray!

My reasoning for sometimes going against who you are -I rarely wait - I prefer to ACT, but there are times when wait is the answer. Another lesson learned - or relearned!

"The two most powerful warriors are patience and time."
Leo Nikolaevich Tolstoy

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