Friday, February 13, 2015

Letter of thanks for the February Reiki Circle

Dear Reiki Friends:

The Strength For Life Reiki Circle was a wonderful experience, thanks to all of you.  Without each of you volunteering your time, there would be no Reiki Circle.  For those of you who volunteered but were not able to join due to illness and other obligations,  your intent to be with us surrounded us with your energy. 

All of you brought so much love, compassion and energy that at times it felt like the room was floating.  The fact that so many of you were able to attend, or send distant Reiki, gave these woman an abundance of Reiki healing.   They had the ability to experience the different energies of each of the practitioners who spent time with them, and the peace on their faces and the signs that their bodies were relaxing were evident to all of us.

Donna – as always, your surrounding everyone with the sound healing of chimes, crystal bowls, gongs and other instruments made for another special afternoon. 

I hope to see you again soon.  The next Strength for Life Reiki Circle is Saturday, April 11th and by then, we hopefully will be enjoying some early Spring weather, with the ice and snow just a memory.  I will be in touch in March to confirm the date.

If you have any questions regarding Strength for Life or any of its programs, please let me know.

Love and blessings,

Rosemary Maginniss, RMT, CHHP/AADP
USUI & Karuna Reiki Master Teacher
Board Certified Holistic Health Practitioner

“A healer's power stems not from any special ability, 
but from maintaining the courage and awareness to embody and express the universal healing power that every human being naturally possesses.” 

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Let's Ban Together For Annette

Let's all ban together and help our friend Annette. 
As a community you 'get' the disease but her journey has the straw that must be relieved.
Pray!!! Donate!!! Let's get her on Ellen!!! 

Via Annette DeLuca Gerani
February 6 at 8:02pm ·
Let me begin by saying that anyone who reads this post, is meant to. There is no one on my page that I do not hold dear in my heart. For the past 4.5 years I have willfully warriored through Breast and colon cancer. My recent CT & bloodwork has shown a 4th & 5th metastis to both of my lungs. This warrior is weary, and overwhelmed by pain daily. I must accept that I will die from this Cancer, I am not one of the lucky ones who can beat it. I'm not giving up, but I may be giving in. I have a week full of tests, biopsies and surgeries up next, but I may decide to put out the white flag. My joints & other tissues have been so compromised by all the chemo that I am not certain I will allow anymore. I thought guts & Godiva would get me through, but apparently not. I have been cut, radiated, chemod so many times and the bitch won't die. You all have asked me over & over what you can do. This time you can help. My mother is still reeling from my father's death. If you live close and I do start treatment, I WILL, without a doubt be disabled and bed ridden. I will need help with meals, laundry, cleaning, etc. if you live far, Amanda is starting a fundraiser to offset the astronomical cost of co-pays, dealing with over the counter remedies, gas expense, etc. please give what you can and please share on social media. Everyone should also write to Ellen Degenerous, there are a handful of bucket list items I have left to do and meeting her is one of them. And of course I MUST meet Lady Gaga before " the edge of glory". I will keep you all posted as to my decisions and treatment options. For now the warrior must rest. I love you all and am blessed by the amount of and depth of lovely people in my life.