To facilitate your fundraising for the Spin for Strength - follow this link ...
at the top of the page "become a fundraiser" and the steps will be provided.
You can write a blurb, post a photo and personalize the page - then send it to your contacts and collect $$ in any increments. Strength for Life will be notified of you becoming a fundraiser and of each donation made and then we (Strength for Life) will send a thank you acknowledgement.
Just another option for you!
Thank you, Barbara Larrea for choosing Strength for Life as the beneficiary of your 2014 Spin-for-Strength. Strength for Life is a non profit organization providing FREE exercise classes and wellness retreats for cancer patients/survivors on LI. We hold these classes at different (donated) venues to make it as accessible as possible for survivors to commit to an exercise program.
Many survivors are intimidated to go back into the gym environment, initially, our intent is to empower them with 'their own strength' to embrace the "new normal" and feel confident enough to go back to their previous activities. In addition , the astronomical co pays of a cancer diagnosis make it financially difficult for many to work with a personal trainer.
Many survivors are intimidated to go back into the gym environment, initially, our intent is to empower them with 'their own strength' to embrace the "new normal" and feel confident enough to go back to their previous activities. In addition , the astronomical co pays of a cancer diagnosis make it financially difficult for many to work with a personal trainer.
It is awesome that the "Fitness" Industry supports our non-profit and we are grateful for your decision to select Strength for Life for this event.
Each $300 sponsors a survivor to an overnight stay at the Hyatt Windwatch, a variety of fitness classes (Zumba, Tai-Chi, Yoga, Strength training, Qi-Gong); incredible presentations by Doctors of Naturopathic Medicine; Healing with Reiki practictioners and learning how to Feng Shui their environment for optimal healing/energy and camaraderie that is priceless.
More information on classes and retreats can be found on our website; along with the story of our inspiration, Evelyn Knapp...
and podcasts of survivors showing why we keep working so hard.
Thank you, thank you!
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