Sunday, September 16, 2012

Is it me????

Last week there was an article that came out about "organic" food and the way it was represented was that organic food was not healthier for you. That is what I heard repeated  on the Today Show and by Kathie Lee and Hoda, and others during the day.....BUT what the article presents, and I believe most of us are aware of, is that the nutritional value of the organic food is not different however the exposure to pesticides is the difference. And isn't that we buy organic?

I was a meeting the other day discussing activities and suggestions for "October - Breast Cancer Awareness Month" and it was mentioned (by an educated staff) that self breast exams were now 'not recommended' because women were relying on these self exams and not following it up with annual exams.
We appear to need  all those warnings like "do not put your pet in the microwave" because we are given news tidbits that are incomplete. I am perplexed.
"For most folks, no news is good news;
 for the press, good news is not news."
~Gloria Borger


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