Monday, June 20, 2011

Back to Hiking.......

Friday night Debbie and I finally met with Raul Perez, our hiking fundraiser who will be leaving Saturday or Sunday 6/25-26 for the 50 mile trek on the Appalachian Trail - ending on the Connecticut border.  The H3Initiative - Hammock Hiking for Humanity was brought to us by Divine Intervention.  You may have read an earlier post about this, to summarize I read about some incredible Long Islander's achieving outstanding goals - and verbalized to Debbie I wanted to consider a Hiking fundraiser.  Within days we received an email that we had a new fundraiser...usually we have asked others to join in an event or have some knowledge.  I wrote an email back and inquired about what they were interested in doing - and Raul answered he decided to raise money for a charity and chose Strength for Life for his Hiking Fundraiser.   (there are no coincidences)

We have been emailing back and forth - had a few meetings cancelled and finally met the  'Water Monkey" Raul Perez.  Raul has been camping and hiking all his life and has a number of very informative videos and Hiking 101 tutorials, if there is anything you want to know - he has the answers and suggested sites.

Raul's goal was to raise $2000 - he is at $1465 - if you want please help him achieve his goal...

Raul will be sending us a live feed for his trek - we will add the feed information as soon as we get it.  We will be able to track his progress and guarantee there will be videos to follow the event.  Raul has a great sense of humor - you will be entertained and informed.

Now for me, myself and I - we started to hike the Paumonok Path - the goal is to hike the entire 125 miles to Montauk by the end of summer - but not overnight trips. This girl likes a shower and bed to rest her weary feet. Yesterday we started at the Trail Head - in Rocky Point and did five miles out and back - next time we will go the 10 miles or so in one directions leaving the cars at different locations.  FYI - Paumonok means Long Island to the  Algonquins...  Wooded and remote - we saw one runner, then two other runners on a side road and a dead baby deer - very sad... also a few butterflies - little else but green - ferns and evergreens and more.  The bad part - was lone star ticks that loved my socks....too many to discuss - and that freaked me out a bit.   I am so not a nature girl when it comes to that. 

Lesson learned - because the Paumonok Path is very narrow and overgrown long pants and gators are the way to go. In the end - it is nice to have another goal and there is nothing like the quiet and beauty of our Long Island.

"If you are seeking creative ideas, go out walking. 
Angels whisper to a man when he goes for a walk. "
~Raymond Inmon

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