Friday, April 8, 2011

Foods that fight pain........

I mentioned the plethora of information I was introduced to at the Cancer Project's 'Food for Life' training last week including one of Dr. Neal Barnard's books entitled "Foods That Fight Pain".  Although I have just started reading it - the very first chapter is on back pain.  We know that between 60 - 80% of the population develops back pain at some point in their lives. I do not believe I was ever exposed to the idea that food could alter this process.

As a personal trainer we know to stretch and strengthen the core muscles in an effort to be pain free but have not been advised (by any instructor at any time) to change the diet to achieve similar results.

As I mentioned I have just begun  to read the book - but you know I had to share this thought so you can do your research and reading asap.  Back pain can be debilitating and if we can receive a level of comfort with our diet - that's reason enough to try.

“The doctor of the future will no longer treat the human frame with drugs,
but rather will cure and prevent disease with nutrition.”
~ Thomas Edison

As you may know, Strength for Life was founded in memory of Evelyn Knapp, co-founder of Personal Training Institute; it is fitting that we embrace the "Food for Life" program since Evelyn was among the leaders in combining an 'exercise and nutrition program' in 1987.

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