Saturday, September 5, 2009

My virgin blog! - Strength for Life is a not for profit organization offering free exercise classes for cancer patients/survivors. Our newest venture is a free Wellness Weekend for the same, to take place in November '09. A mere $300 will sponsor a cancer survivor/patient to this informative weekend where they will attend up to 4 classes - strength training with bands, balls and mats; tai chi; yoga; meditation; a motivational speaker; and/or a nutritional seminar. As in our classes we will also provide the bands, balls and mats so these participants can continue their exercise prescription at home - or following with our 8 week class schedule. Meals and lodgings will be paid by Strength for Life.

Since we are still a very new not for profit - we ask that you spread the word, check out our website at and consider donating time, sponsoring an event, or a part of this weekend - tee shirts and the like.

In addition, athletes - use your participation in an event to assist us. Through and our website you can set up a home page for donations. Go to the "donate" page, "become a fundraiser" and personalize your page.

Strength for Life was founded in memory of Evelyn Knapp, an exercise physiologist, co-founder of Personal Training Institute and an avid runner. Evelyn lost her battle with breast cancer in 2005 at 40 years old; Evelyn said exercise gave her a sense of control in an uncontrollable situation. Strength For Life is our answer to her vision.


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