Wednesday, September 30, 2009

LET ME COUNT THE WAYS.......................

Dear Friend of Strength for Life,

Strength for Life is excited to introduce Wellness Weekends. We are delighted to sponsor our first Wellness Weekend on November 7 – 8, 2009 at the Hilton Garden Inn, Islip. Our first Wellness Weekend will offer participants up to four different classes to choose from including: strength training, yoga, tai chi, meditation, reiki AND both motivational and nutritional speakers. Wellness Weekend lodging, meals, classes and equipment will be at NO COST to participants.

Let me count the ways…………. to help support the efforts of Strength for Life. Here are some opportunities for you to show your support for Strength For Life and programs such as Wellness Weekends.

October is Breast Cancer Awareness month- a perfect time to give to Strength For Life in memory of Evelyn Knapp who lost her fight with breast cancer in 2005. Evelyn was co-founder of Personal Training Institute, and Strength for Life is our way to enact Evelyn’s vision to help empower those battling the disease feel their absolute best.

$5.00 purchases you a 20% coupon for your shopping spree at Macy’s on October 17, 2009

• Support Dee Mullin on her first ½ Marathon in Philadelphia in November. $1.oo + per mile (go to our web site, donate page – support our athletes) or you can read Dee’s story at You can be a platinum donor for $100. Dee’s personal goal is to raise $5000 for Strength for Life – and her run is in memory of her cousin…Emily!

• Train the Trainer at participating Personal Training Institute locations– for a $25 donation you can train the trainer of your choice – and enjoy watching them sweat for the cause!

• Sponsor a Wellness Weekend participant. $300 will pay all expenses for one cancer patient/survivor to attend Strength For Life Wellness Weekend in November. You may donate all or part of the cost by designating your donation to Wellness Weekend.

And then...there is your choice! Whatever amount you decide to donate to Strength For Life is important to us and very much appreciated!

You can: call 516-458-0089; Email us at;
Send checks to Strength for Life, 902 Constance Lane, Port Jefferson Station, NY 11776; Complete the contact page on our web site at;
Donate through NYCharities on our web site.

Life is about choices,
please make one today to support Strength for Life

Monday, September 28, 2009

See Dee Run

See Dee Run - my child, running the Philadelphia 1/2 marathon in November for Strength for Life. Her goal is to raise $5000 for Strength for Life - at $300 per participant, for the Wellness Weekend, she is planning to sponsor a weekend on her own.

Dee (aka Domenica) is running in memory of her cousin Emily Ann Higgins, who lost her life, tragically, at 16 years old in June. Running is like prayer, those who engage in running will understand what I am talking about. Your mind is clear, you allow yourself the quiet time to open your heart and just be - you and the steps and your breathe.

Please consider $1.oo a mile donation for Strength for Life, for Dee and in memory of Emily.

Thank you.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Medical Advisory Board Update

Thank you Dr. Roxanne Carfora, DO, for agreeing to join our Medical Advisory Board, and offering your services at the Wellness Weekend in November.

Dr. Carfora is Board Certified in Family Medicine, Anti-aging Medicine, and has a Fellowship in Functional Medicine. She is a graduate from the New York College of Osteopathic Medicine and has been a physician on Long Island for 16 years. Her emphasis is on patient education, disease prevention, nutritional medicine, and bio-identical hormones.

Dr. Carfora has been a great resource and support of Strength for Life from the inception and both Debbie and I will be forever grateful.

For details about the wonderful practice of Dr. Carfora please visit

Thursday, September 24, 2009


Not a dating service, but a great name for the conversation went at our business plan meeting with Michael and Barry. Our meeting was very informative, perhaps our "deer in the headlight" looks truly portrayed a moment or two...but we got it!

Debbie and I walked away with "the secret" to success, it's direction - plain and simple. This is just an affirmation of what was already known to us, hence the meeting with SCORE. We needed the help and promised support of Barry and Michael, in their light-hearted way,to give us the next push forward. Just a simple comment that they believed we would be successful was defining.

Wednesday, September 23 was a great day for us, busy but productive.

In the evening we spoke at the Breast Cancer HELP support group, it is amazing how one room can hold so many warm and open minded women. I do believe we exceeded our quota for a class on the South Shore to be held either on Monday or Thursday evening (tbd).

Between yesterday and today - five offers to help us in a variety of ways. Yoga teachers, massage therapists, personal trainers and survivors with varied backgrounds. All support and assistance to help promote Strength for Life is appreciated.

And of course financial help - thank you Cheryl for sponsoring a survivor for the Wellness Weekend! We mentioned that $300 sponsors one cancer patient/survivor - and we received the first donation yesterday.

The Law of Karma or Cause and Effect- Every action generates a force of energy that returns to us in like kind....what we sow is what we reap. And when we choose actions that bring happiness and success to others, the fruit of our karma is happiness and success.*
*The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success - Deepak Chopra

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Breast Cancer Help Support Group

We are speaking to the members of the "Breast Cancer Help" Support Group on Wednesday, September 23 at 7:00, and hope that we will gain the necessary four person limit to start the class at the Drew Patrick Spa. Two members of this group have been driving across the Island to attend the St. James class and we would like to begin in Bay Shore for them and others.

If you do not know anything about "Breast Cancer Help", please read the following:

Breast Cancer Help, Inc. is a not-for-profit grass roots organization with a focus on action and advocacy to eradicate breast cancer. Founded in 1994 by Lorraine Pace, a breast cancer survivor, and Father Thomas Arnao, the group promotes education and awareness of breast cancer issues on Long Island and elsewhere in New York State. Pace was also the founder of the West Islip breast cancer mapping project, which pinpointed breast cancer clusters. This original mapping project, which spearheaded the breast cancer environmental movement, has now spread to other parts of New York, the U.S. and abroad.

Since its inception, Breast Cancer Help, Inc. has taken a multi-pronged approach to combating breast cancer on Long Island. The organization has worked to mobilize citizens into breast cancer coalitions leading to breast cancer mapping projects; worked to bring cancer education into our schools; served as advocates to change state and local laws to preserve our environment; and worked to strengthen the rights of breast cancer patients. Breast Cancer Help has also worked to ensure that Long Islanders have access to the best possible medical diagnosis and care through the purchase of radiosurgery equipment and lease of a digital mammography unit at Stony Brook University Hospital.

In March of 2003, Breast Cancer Help opened its Long Island Cancer Help and Wellness Center. The Center represented a partnership between Breast Cancer Help, Inc. and the Village of Lindenhurst, a municipal government with a long history of support of grassroots efforts to find the causes and a cure for breast cancer. The goal of the Long Island Cancer Help and Wellness Center is to provide increased cancer awareness to promote early detection, while providing patients and survivors with needed support.

Another wonderful organization that deserves our support.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Suzanne Somers, Patrick Swayze and Chemotherapy

Suzanne Somers thinks Patrick Swayze could have been alive today if he would have used alternative methods to treat his pancreatic cancer instead of chemotherapy.

The former "Three's Company" star, who was diagnosed with breast cancer in 1991 and rejected chemotherapy in favor of natural treatments, reportedly told Toronto-based columnist Shinan Govani that it was Swayze's chemotherapy treatments, not pancreatic cancer, that ended his life prematurely.

"They took this beautiful man and they basically put poison in him," she reportedly said. "Why couldn't they have built him up nutritionally and gotten rid of the toxins in his body? I hate to be this controversial. I'm a singer-dancer-comedienne. But we have an epidemic going on, and I have to say it."

Wow! I know so many survivors and chemotherapy may be the reason they are still with us. Yes, it is poison but for a reason! Who are we to judge the choices that others decide regarding their life.

Make yourself as strong as you can with exercise, nutrition and by following the advise of your trusted medical team. Let us focus on the positive medical advances and not point fingers at what is unknown.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Ovarian Cancer

September is Ovarian Cancer Awareness month.

Ovarian Cancer is one of the most deadly of women's cancers. Each year, approximately 21,500 women will be diagnosed with ovarian cancer. This year, approximately 15,500 women will die in the United States from ovarian cancer. Many women don't seek help until the disease has begun to spread, but if detected at its earliest stage, the five-year survival rate is more than 93%. Recent research suggests that together the four symptoms of: bloating, pelvic or abdominal pain, difficulty eating or feeling full quickly and urinary urgency or frequency may be associated with ovarian cancer.

With awareness comes responsibility....
responsibility to

Whether it your prostate, ovarian, breast, head, neck or oral cancer awareness month- do not delay - act!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Strength for Life Newsetter, Vol. 1

Vol. 1, No. 1, September 2009 - our first newsletter has been emailed to everyone we know and have current e-mail addresses for. Great job, Deb!

Anyone wishing a copy of this "first edition newsletter" - please visit our website, complete the contact page and you will be sent a copy asap.

Help TACKLE Childhood Cancer!

Stony Brook University Pediatric Oncology Football Fundraiser to benefit the Sunrise Fund and Play Fit-Stay Fit!

A portion of each ticket sold will help support Play Fit-Stay Fit!, a comprehensive wellness program that provides physical activity, nutritional education, and psychological counseling for childhood cancer survivors and their families.

Admission is free for childhood cancer survivors and their families.

Please call 631-444-6169 or email to reserve your tickets for:

September 19, 2009 AT 6:00 PM
Kenneth P. Lavalle Stadium


Really running late , but I wanted to put this out there - SCORE for us! "Counselors to America's Small Business," will help us with our business plan, mentors that can guide us through some growth. YES! I say thank you!

Obviously, I will keep you posted - but wanted to share and open up the conversation - as always, input and help is appreciated!

Monday, September 14, 2009

Peripheral Neuropathy

To address a question asked at the SPOHNC meeting last week on peripheral neuropathy, a common side effect of chemotherapy. This, generally, is not a reason to avoid exercise. Caution is always advised on balance issues with neuropathy, so perhaps stationary biking is a better choice than the treadmill (during a painful or severe episode), but for those that can tolerate it - exercise is best.

As one who has suffered from chronic peripheral neuropathy, I found strengthening the leg, hip and ankle muscles, as well as the core muscles helped prevent the risk of falling and prevented injury.

One area that you should be very concious of - is picking up your foot while walking. Be mindful not to drag the foot, use your muscles to lift the foot off the floor and then plant it into a step.

If you invest in a heart rate monitor, you will see that just by doing this small mindful action - your heart rate increases and you will burn more calories. Another instant boost to increase your heart rate, pull in your abdominal muscles - that in itself burns more calories. Two very simple ways to strengthen muscles and burn additional calories. Pay attention to all of your activities, use good posture and get the most out of everything you do.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

September is Prostate Awareness Month

In a 14 year analysis of 47,620 male health professionals, researchers concluded that regular vigorous exercise could help reduce the chances of suffering from prostate cancer and also slow the progression of the disease in those who have it.

Since I woke up to this news story - I thought I would share it with you. For some of you this information is elementary, however, HIFU (high intensity focused ultrasound) was a new term for me.

Outside of skin cancers, prostate cancer is the most common type of cancer to affect American males. It is also the third leading cause of death from cancer in male cancer patients.

HIFU is a state-of-the-art technology utilizing the power of ultrasound to destroy deep seated prostate tissue without affecting the surrounding healthy tissue. The HIFU energy is focused sharply from the transducer surface to the targeted tissue in the prostate. Temperature is elevated in the targeted tissue up to 90 degrees C within one second causing cell death. The therapy consists of placing HIFU lesions (each requiring only a few seconds to create) side-by-side until the entire prostate gland has been "painted" with HIFU energy. HIFU, available in Canada and the UK, is only approved by the FDA for investigational use within the United States.

Prostate cancer can often be found early by testing the amount of PSA (prostate-specific antigen) in your blood. Another way prostate cancer is found early is when the doctor does a digital rectal exam (DRE). You should talk to your doctor about whether or not you want to be tested.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

What have you done today?

You know that you should be incorporating exercise into every day - whether it is the 30 minute walk, or your strength training exercises on non-consecutive days. As Nike says - Just Do It! Put your sneakers/walking shoes on and go outside, on the treadmill or wherever and just do it!

*Nike (Greek Νίκη pronounced [níːkɛː]), the Greek goddess of victory; it is also based on Egyptian usage of "strength", "victory" -nakht. * from wikipedia

Victory, Triumph, Conquest !

Research has shown that regular physical activity helps reduce the risk of recurrence of breast cancer and colon cancer, and slows the advance of prostate cancer. Reason enough to put on those shoes and get out and walk?

Friday, September 11, 2009

Shop for a Cause

Strength for Life is included in "Shop for a Cause" at Macy's this year. The happening is on Saturday, October 17 - please consider the $5 donation to receive a 20% coupon to be used on your day of shopping.
Call us at 631-974-3346 for you shopping pass.

Thursday, September 10, 2009


Last night, Debbie and I met with a wonderful group at SPOHNC, Support for People with Oral, Head and Neck Cancer at Stony Brook University Medical Center - Cancer Center. Founded 19 years ago by oral cancer survivor Nancy Leupold, Support for People with Oral and Head and Neck Cancer has been both a resource and inspiration for survivors and patients throughout the country. SPOHNC is a patient-directed self-help organization dedicated to raising awareness and meeting the needs of oral, head and neck cancer patients. What started as a single support group at Long Island Jewish Medical Center, has now grown to 90 SPOHNC chapters throughout the United States

“People diagnosed with oral, head and neck cancer are often overwhelmed because it is not a well-known disease,” said Mary Ann Caputo, current outreach administrator and soon to be executive director of SPOHNC. “SPOHNC and its outreach programs offer support and encouragement through their chapters and through its National Survivor Volunteer Network.

Although head, neck and oral cancer is new to us at Strength for Life, our exercise regime can benefit everyone. Of course, we can add some specific exercises to strengthen the neck and shoulder area, but all-around strength and endurance is paramount in cancer recovery and wellness. We look forward to having this group join us at the Wellness Weekend in November. Thank you, Dennis, for inviting us to speak at your intimate support meeting.

As always, medical clearance is necessary to participate.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009


When I worked for hospice as a volunteer, the volunteer coordinator told me that the job was "uplifting".

I recently saw an article that asked for feedback on the question "was cancer a gift?".

I remember talking to wonderful volunteers that had been given a new outlook on life after they were diagnosed with cancer - putting everything into perspective. What I have learned is to trust that twinge of intuition, not furl my brow (creating more wrinkles) because the AHA moment does come.

Working at hospice was absolutely rewarding, especially when faced with the unthinkable - an OMG how will I have the strength moment- but you receive it and it is uplifting. Cancer a gift, I can't say, but I do understand having everything in life put into perspective - and that is a gift. I have not read the outcome of that question, what I can see is the immeasurable strength that some individuals dealing with cancer are given. That is another OMG how do they have the fortitude? Trust, Faith!

One of my very favorite quotes "believe you have received it - and it will be yours!"

A bit personal today - just had to share!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Medical Advisory Board

Thank you Carol Kur, co-founder of Personal Training Institute, for accepting a position on our Medical Advisory Board. The role of nutrition is counterpart with exercise in the recovery of cancer patients and lending us your expertise is greatly appreciated. Strength for Life has always had your support, Carol, because of your personal relationship with Evelyn and this role is evidence of that. Exercise and Nutrition - a novel idea - one, you and Evelyn combined years ago. Thank you on so many levels!

You join Dr.Richard Byrnes, Oncologist-Radiologist, who has opened doors for our new organization by his support alone.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Oprah said:

Success is when preparation meets opportunity! My life was once more about the preparation than the moment; now I am jumping on every opportunity - still don't seem to be in sync. I trust it will come!

To quote from Anthony Robbins, "I decided that somehow I must contribute in some way that would live on long after I was gone." I, too, believe that; and I do hope that Strength for Life is a part of Evelyn Knapp's contribution living past her life.

Labor Day - Food for Thought

Train the Trainer at Personal Training Institute in the month of October. For a donation you can kick the butt of your trainers - make them sweat, see the tears, hear the groans - you did a great job! All proceeds are earmarked for our Wellness Weekend. Last year we raised $6400 in one hour at all the participating facilities, we can bring this fundraiser outside of PTI - all suggestions are welcome.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

My virgin blog! - Strength for Life is a not for profit organization offering free exercise classes for cancer patients/survivors. Our newest venture is a free Wellness Weekend for the same, to take place in November '09. A mere $300 will sponsor a cancer survivor/patient to this informative weekend where they will attend up to 4 classes - strength training with bands, balls and mats; tai chi; yoga; meditation; a motivational speaker; and/or a nutritional seminar. As in our classes we will also provide the bands, balls and mats so these participants can continue their exercise prescription at home - or following with our 8 week class schedule. Meals and lodgings will be paid by Strength for Life.

Since we are still a very new not for profit - we ask that you spread the word, check out our website at and consider donating time, sponsoring an event, or a part of this weekend - tee shirts and the like.

In addition, athletes - use your participation in an event to assist us. Through and our website you can set up a home page for donations. Go to the "donate" page, "become a fundraiser" and personalize your page.

Strength for Life was founded in memory of Evelyn Knapp, an exercise physiologist, co-founder of Personal Training Institute and an avid runner. Evelyn lost her battle with breast cancer in 2005 at 40 years old; Evelyn said exercise gave her a sense of control in an uncontrollable situation. Strength For Life is our answer to her vision.
