believe that a few caring people can't change the world.
For indeed
that's all who ever have. "
~ Margaret Mead
seems to be a recurrent theme of late, we experienced the need to accept change
from Superstorm Sandy and we are debating the need for a change in "gun control"
in light of the horrific events in Newtown. We are paralyzed by both these
events but we must learn from them, embrace the messages and
message of Strength for Life has been about change, how to empower yourself
through strengthening your body, mind and spirit. In 2012, Strength for Life
held 14 exercise sessions (in Nassau and Suffolk) and hosted a wellness
retreat, in total supporting nearly 150 people - all eager to embrace and accept
their new path after a cancer diagnosis. They were given the physical tools
(resistance bands, stability balls and yoga mats), professional trainers,
educational lectures, sampling of different healing classes (some lots of fun
like Zumba!), a weekend getaway and the opportunity to form friendships with
others who share their circumstances. All of these tools for healing, recovery
and growth were provided at NO COST.
order of Strength for Life to continue on it's mission to provide our programs
free of charge to cancer patients and survivors we rely on fundraising efforts
and private donations. As 2012 comes to a close, please consider Strength for
Life in your end of year tax deductible gift giving, it will make a
you for your thoughtfulness and support. May you have a Blessed Holiday Season
and a Peaceful New Year.
and Jacqui
Strength for Life