Thursday, March 31, 2011

My, my, my...

so much valuable information to be had.  As you may know I spent a few days in Washington DC at the Cancer Project's 'Food for Life' training. 

Fiber, fiber, fiber is your friend.  That knowledge I already embraced but now I have an increased respect for fiber and the role in plays in reducing your risk of cancer.  Fiber, our friend in all plant based foods - helps rid the body of extra hormones particularly estrogen and testosterone.

And 'Dairy', studies have shown, is linked to increased risk for prostate, testicular, ovarian and breast cancers. 

Via the Cancer Projects website:

 "Prostate cancer has been linked to dairy products in several studies. In Harvard’s Physicians Health Study, including more than 20,000 male physicians, those who consumed more than two dairy servings daily had a 34% higher risk of developing prostate cancer than men who consumed little or no dairy products. Several other studies have shown much the same thing.

Several mechanisms have been proposed to explain this association. Dairy product consumption increases levels of insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-1) in the bloodstream. IGF-1 is a potent stimulus for cancer cell growth. High IGF-1 levels are linked to increased risk of prostate cancer and breast cancer."

I can not do justice to the information I was given and all that is available to you. We always suggest eating from the colors of the rainbow - now we are adding "be even more specific".  The Cancer Project is based on a four food group pyramid:
  • fruits (3 or more servings) serving size 1/2 cup or 1 whole
  • legumes (3 or more servings) serving 1/2 cup cooked beans; 1/4 cup bean spread; 1 cup non-dairy milk; 3 oz tofu, tempeh, seitan or meat alternative
  • vegetables (4 or more servings) serving 1 cup raw; 1/2 cup cooked 
  • grains (6 or more servings) serving 1/2 cup cooked; 3/4 to 1 cup dry cereal; 1 slice of bread; 1/2 tortilla; a bagel is 4 servings
and a low fat diet

I just read today that the 21-DAY WEIGHT LOSS KICKSTART, by Neal D. Barnard. (Grand Central Life & Style, $25.99.) A plant-based way to slim down and boost health. is #8 on the NYTimes Best Sellers List. 

A must read for your health!

Interesting to note that the "Cancer Project's Dietary Guidelines for Cancer Prevention and Survival" recommendations are not that far removed from the recommendations of the American Cancer Society, American Institute for Cancer Research and the National Cancer Institute.

"Nothing will benefit human health and increase the chances for survival of life on Earth as much as the evolution to a vegetarian diet." ~Albert Einstein

Saturday, March 26, 2011

New and Improved...

Strength for Life  represented at Long Island Breast Cancer Summit. Debbie and I made many great connections - wish us luck in promoting and growing in Nassau.

Keep a lookout for our new and improved website ... - should be live this week.

I will be in Washington DC at the Cancer Project's "Food for Life" nutrition and cooking for all new and improved recipes and facts to prevent cancer and advance our nutritional knowledge.

  • the Stony Brook class is filled to the brim and beyond
  • Body in Balance is still open for more participants
  • we are looking to fill the Sportime class - any takers in Syosset?

“Virtually no one in the field of health and nutrition speaks about the concept of food having energy, but if you stop and think about it, it intuitively makes sense. Vegetables have a lighter energy than proteins. Animal meat from tortured animals has a different energy than meat from animals that lived a peaceful existence.”
~ Joshua Rosenthal, founder/director of the Institute for Integrative Nutrition

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Long Island Press and Fortune 52 shared our story...

Pinch me, let me write down this date - because so many good things happened for Strength for Life....

Long Island Press & Fortune 52

Thank you Beverly for sharing our story and remembering our friend Evelyn Knapp.

"A teacher affects eternity; he can never tell where his influence stops."
 ~Henry Brooks Adams

Fio's coverage of our March Wellness Retreat

Here are the links to My LI-TV...

Thank you Waldo Cabrera, creator of the Fio's TV production, for capturing the essence of our
 Strength for Life Wellness Retreat.

"THERE are a lot of nice people out there who think good thoughts -- why not share them?”
 ~Alexandra Stoddard

Monday, March 21, 2011

First Annual Long Island Breast Cancer Summit - Friday March 25...

To learn about the latest innovations and medical discoveries in breast cancer treatment, along with new legislation and services provided by Federal, State and County Governments.

WHEN: Friday, March 25, 2011 – 10AM to 4PM

WHERE: Carlyle on the Green, Bethpage State Park

KEYNOTE SPEAKER: Hon. Dean G. Skelos
New York State Majority Senate Leader

along with
Hon. Edward P. Mangano, Nassau County Executive

Hon. Steven A. Levy, Suffolk County Executive

Hon. Carolyn McCarthy, US Congresswoman Health Subcommittee


Special Lifetime Cancer Advocacy and Health Achievement Award Presented to:

Michael Dowling

President and Chief Executive Officer, North Shore-LIJ Health System


Luncheon and Admission are Complimentary

"I'm not afraid of storms,
for I'm learning to sail my ship."


Saturday, March 19, 2011

Well, well, well - will wonders ever cease???

Constantly evolving aren't we? Who knew that diet by blood type really makes sense! Heard about it long time ago and honestly thought - 'well here's another diet book and dismissed it' - did anyone else hear rave reviews on eating this way - please tell me I am not living under a rock.

By the recommendation of a Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine and my nutrition guru friend (aka Debbie) I purchased this book yesterday "East Right 4 Your Type" by Dr. Peter D'Adamo. Very interesting - I suggest you give it a read. Here is a link to the website - peruse a little:

Just a little personal information, I am "A" ..... Blood type "O" were the original hunter gatherers then came "A" the domesticated agrarians; then "B" mutated by necessity of changing climates and "AB" modern intermingling of groups.

A's should be "vegetarianish" (stole that word from an Oprah show) and my exercise should emphasize calm and flexibility like Tai Chi and Yoga to help deal with the way A's tolerate stress. The book compiled a list of foods that are to be included in your diet, that are neutral to your diet and foods that should be avoided because they are 'poison' to you. The key to my initial read of this book is about "lectins" and their agglutinating properties. If you are consuming foods that are not compatible with your blood the lectins target an organ or bodily system and begin to agglutinate blood cells in that area and result in inflammation. Bottom line for me is to make some changes in the choices of foods I eat. Out with the kidney beans, garbanzos, cheese and corn. Not so terrible - and pineapple is in!

Good read, interesting information - worth a try. If this has a positive effect on arthritis and other inflammatory diseases - let's go for it!

"In the long run, we shape our lives and we shape ourselves. The process never ends until we die, and the choices that we make are ultimately our responsibility." ~Eleanor Roosevelt

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Wellness Retreat March 12 - 13/part 2

Penni Niles was our saviour, coming to our rescue Friday night at the eleventh hour.  As I mentioned - they love Zumba and as requested - below is Penni's information on classes:
The Zumba Gold class is geared for beginners, Active Olders or anyone with any kind of physical challenge.

As of 3/28/11: ZUMBA Mondays 6:30-7:30pm
Sala Classical Ballet Studio Wellwood Ave.,
 Lindenhurst NY

 Synergy Fitness, Montauk Highway, West Babylon NY
Fridays Zumba 545pm
 (45 minute high intensity class)


Penni wrote after the retreat "that was the most fulfilling service I've done in a long time..."


Carolyn Cavaccha, LMT - our Tai Chi instructor wearing many hats....Carolyn will be opening a storefront for massage and therapeutic exercise including yoga, tai chi and isolated stretching techniques in the next couple of months.  It will be in Hauppauge by the Hauppauge post office.  This website is only set up for massage currently but keep Carolyn in mind and prayers for her future expansion:

"We are each of us angels with only one wing,
and we can only fly by embracing one another." ~Luciano de Crescenzo

Monday, March 14, 2011

Wellness Retreat March 12 -13, 2011

As always - another great event because the guests and the presenters were absolutely awesome.  The initial comments at breakfast on Sunday were in appreciation of each of the speaker/presenters staying and sharing their time after their presentations.

Where to begin?  At the eleventh hour...Friday night 9pm, our friend Lisa located a Zumba instructor....yeah! In December Zumba was a great hit - as it was again on Saturday.

Lida Olson ( has blessed Strength for Life with her yoga classes for many of our weekends.  As a cancer survivor, a background in nursing, Reiki master and training in acupressure - we are in the best of hands and instruction.

Peter Bongiorno, ND, L. Ac ( spoke at tea. This Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine shared a plethora of information for us all.  Vitamins - which ones? how much and  too much?; your gut - how healthy is it? and what can we do for best absorption?; organic foods; green tea and exercise were mentioned over and over. There were questions galore for Peter as you can well imagine.  If only we could have a week to cover all this information.  Check out the schedules of talks available by Dr. Peter Bongiorno (

And please take a moment to write to our legislators in support of licensing Doctors of Naturopathic Medicine.  Use this link - it will take a minute of your time for a lifetime of healthy choices in care (

Deborah Hanley, L. Ac - ( our very first group ear acupuncture. Dr. Bongiorno and Deborah both agreed there was no explanation why acupuncture works - but it does. (...that pressing reflex points stimulates the nerve endings which then cause the brain to release certain pain and mood mediating chemicals - such as endorphins, enkephalins and neuroactive amino acids such as glycine, glutamine and GABA, all of which act upon different tissues and parts of the body and affect its response to stress and discomfort ~ Fara Begum-Beig)

From Deborah's handouts...EAR - gateway to balancing the body (NADA point descriptions)
  • 1. Sympathetic - autonomic nervous system; strong analgesic (pain relieving) and relaxing effect
  • 2. Shen men - spirit gate; alleviates anxiety and nervousness - produces calming and relaxing effect
  • 3. Kidney - essential energy - Yin and Yang sources; alleviated toxicity in the kidneys and strengthens the nervous system
  • 4. Liver - increases emotional balance leading to relaxation and increased confidence; stabilizes emotional behavior and mood swings
  • 5. Lung - alleviates toxicity in the immune system, respiration and skin; promotes relaxation, physical balance and expression of feelings - especially sadness and letting go
A group setting enhances the experience of each individual.  A group of people gathered together can create a field of energy that may empower the individuals.

(on a personal note - since Saturday's group acupuncture -  I have slept for six hours each night without waking.  I really thought it was the Bailey's on Saturday night - but the same again on Sunday.....hmmmmm - check back and see if I am still sleeping - this could be my answer)

And Deborah shared three awesome teas that she prepared and brought to the retreat.  Gunpowder Green Tea ( Organic - These tiny hand-rolled pearls are shiny, grey green. They make a medium astringent cup of tea with a smoky edge from high firing); Cloud 9 Tea (Organic - Rooibos, lavender, chamomile, and rose petals. This lovely, fragrant, lightly sweet tea is ideal for relaxation any time of day or night. Naturally caffeine free and high in antioxidants, vitamins) and Mango Swirl (Organic - Black tea, mango, calendula and natural flavoring)

There are herbal, green teas, black teas, chakra teas, blended teas - I suggest you try them all!

Laura Cerrano ( Again we were blessed to have met Laura an 'old soul' we all agree.  Laura spent many hours with us - she was able to dovetail many of the speakers thoughts with hers.  After the group acupuncture and reiki circle, Laura demonstrated proper protocol to follow for a smudging with white sage. A smudging is performed to cleanse negative thoughts, negative or bad spirits and energy. She pointed out that between cancer treatments it is a good practice to smudge the area you reside in. If you google 'smudging' - there is much information on how to and why - read all about it - there is no wrong way if your intention is pure.
Laura talked about the Bagua (life station map), placement of furniture, using your front door as opposed to the garage (oops), colors, mirrors, bedrooms,  success, wealth and suggestion is call Laura for a consultation.  Based on the testimonials I have read about Laura- you will not be disappointed.
The Viana Hotel and Spa - the first ever Feng Shui Designed and Leed Certified Hotel and Spa on Lomg Island...(

Rosemary Maginnis ( Did you know that there are local hospitals that are incorporating Reiki as a complementary approach to traditional care.  YES! we are honoring some great additions to traditional medicine.
  • Southside Hospital
  • Columbian Presbyterian
  • Beth Israel
  • John Hopkins
  • Manhattan Eye, Ear & Throat
  • Memorial Sloan Kettering
  • Cancer Treatment Centers of America
Rosemary has also joined Strength for Life for many of our wellness retreats - she has such a warm and kind manner and leads a great healing meditation.
For more information ( - here is a list of events you may want to participate in.

To be continued.....

"Talent is always conscious of its own abundance, and does not object to sharing."

~Alexander Solzehnitsyn

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Courage - embrace yours....

How would  YOU define courage? 

Everyone has a specific spin on their definition, and thus has a different interpretation of recognizing their own courage.  Is your definition fear based, moral, physical...I urge you to think about this.... and acknowledge your strength and courage in life. Enjoy the process.

"Most of us have far more courage than we ever dreamed we possessed. "

~Dale Carnegie

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Survey for cancer patients....

Be part of a solution for the best care choices....

Via Universty of Washington...
We are inviting you to complete a short 27-item questionnaire (5-10 minutes) about managing information during cancer care as part of a research study at the University of Washington. This page is to help you weigh the risks and benefits and decide whether you would like to participate.


This study will help us understand the (a) importance and (b) difficulty of the information management you do during cancer care. Your responses will inform our research on how to help patients interact with information during cancer care.

To complete this quetionairre, you must be 18 years old or older and have undergone care for a cancer diagnosis. You will be asked to complete a self-administered questionnaire. We estimate the questionnaire will take 5-10 minutes to complete.

All study information is anonymous. We will not collect your name or any other personal identifiers. The survey software that we use will automatically assign a numeric code to identify your responses. We will ask you to identify your age, gender, ethnicty, level of education, and state/country so we can describe and determine the generalizability of our results.


Since the study is anonymous we do not anticipate any risks to privacy. There may be some risk of stress or anxiety since we will ask you to think about health events. We will ask questions about what kinds of information you interact with and how you have managed that information during cancer care.

Participation in the study is voluntary. Your consent to the above procedures will be implied at the time that you submit your responses. If you have any further questions, please contact Wanda Pratt, at We cannot ensure the confidentiality of information sent via e-mail. Thank you very much for your participation.

"It isn't that they can't see the solution. 
It's that they can't see the problem."
~G. K. Chesterton

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Stress and Exercise

We were invited to give an in-service at the North Shore Monter Cancer Center this month.  Shamelessly we will go two-fold.  As you may well know our passion is Strength for Life and when we can help others and introduce Strength for Life - it's a win/win.

So, since this is all fresh on my mind - let's review STRESS
                                           and how to cope with it!!!!

One of the ways to take control of the stress in your life is through movement.  Becoming active will  boost those "feel good" endorphins and reduce that stress response hormone 'cortisol'.

Again - you know how I feel about baby steps - so don't even go there with the excuse "I don't have time." Unacceptable - make the time.  Carve out ten minutes of your day - ten minutes you were stressing or worrying about a situation in your life.  Get out of your own way for 10 minutes.  I promise you will feel better when you adopt a pro-active lifestyle.

First is to recognize what is the cause of your stress.  Then begin to set a goal and make a plan how to reduce the stress or change the way you respond to it. I get it - some things are out of your realm but you can always change the way you respond.

Do you need to get medical clearance before engaging in an exercise program.  If you are questioning that - you do...and if making a doctor's appointment is causing you stress - just think - once you do it you can start to heal. 

(Do you remember - the 'eat the frog' quote - it was Mark Twain who said if the first thing you do each morning is eat a live frog, you can go through the day with the satisfaction of knowing that is probably the worst thing that is going to happen to you all day.)  So 'eat the frog'.

And about walking, all you need are good shoes/sneakers and outer clothing and you are off. Enjoy, no embrace the outdoors. Get moving - if it is only around the corner today - do it - can you do it twice..challenge yourself, progression is the key to success.

If you are already active - challenge yourself to participate in an event, take a new class  learn something, practice something new. Are you Zumba ready, Power Yoga ready - want to compete in a 5K, 10K, half marathon, hike, kayak, rafting, tai chi  - so many choices. There is always the next step to take ....and isn't that exciting?! There are also so many activity groups to join - most are relatively inexpensive - Hiking, Biking, Running - you name it and I am confident you will find a local group to join.

Tools you may want to consider - I love them for you - a pedometer to measure your steps, a heart rate monitor to measure how challenging this work out is and some great websites with tools galore. and are two that come to mind.  They both have fabulous information and videos on how to.... whatever you want. (breathe, yoga, specific exercises, food and exercise journals) the Internet has a plethora of helpful tools for you to use for FREE.  No stress!

The last few blogs have been about meditation - simple to accomplish, FREE and great way to reduce stress in your life.  You can start with just 3 -5 minutes a day - you can do that!

Stretching/flexibility - aaahhhh! it feels so good!  Again the websites above have the "how to' and videos on specific stretches.  Lie on the floor - raise your arms overhead, press your lower back into the floor and feel how good that feels ........and that is one!  Yoga classes are all around us and they usually incorporate a silent meditation - win/win.

Neck stretches, lower back stretches, hip stretches and hamstring stretches are among my favorite to suggest because most people are tightest here.  Google, google - all your answers are there.

"Take control of your consistent emotions and begin to consciously and deliberately reshape your daily experience of life.”  ~Anthony Robbins 

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Three minutes to view "May You Be Blessed"

Enjoy! Let there be peace and blessings abundant in your life.

"Abundance is not something we acquire.
It is something we tune into."

~Wayne Dyer

Sharing Healing Meditation class info....

You may have read an earlier blog about our experience in this class - learn from the master.

True Living Yoga
268 Larkfield Road, East Northport
631) 486-3843
Our next "Inner Healing Meditation" Class
with Dr. Dean Telano
is Friday, March 18th, 7:30pm - 9:00pm.
Dr. Telano is one of the few teachers trained to teach these "energy-healing" meditation techniques.

Learn simple and effective ways to calm & clear your mind, relieve stress & anxiety, boost your immune system, promote relaxation, and encourage positive thinking.

Due to limited seating, please let us know as soon as possible if you will be attending. We look forward to seeing you!

Warm Regards,

"Meditation is the soul's perspective glass."

~ Owen Feltham