Friday, December 24, 2010

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Monday, December 13, 2010

Wellness Retreat December 11 - 12, 2010

The year is coming to a close and as we reflect on the year we are absolutely thrilled with what has been accomplished and how many supporters have come through for Strength for Life.

We concluded the year with the run and the wellness weekend - from high energy to relaxation.... although there was some high energy during Zumba

Our wellness retreat,  held at a new venue, the Hyatt Windwatch,  had a new class "Zumba" and new guest speakers/presenters.  Of course, Dr. Roxanne Carfora began the day with laughs and excitement because that is how she is - Dr. Carfora has the ability to educate and entertain, her genuineness and enthusiasm is contagious and a great way to start the day!

Say NO to sugar, sweeteners, diet soda, white foods... enjoy the flavors of natural foods - high in antioxidants. (Read the  'the Makers Diet'  by Jordan S. Rubin, N.M.D., Ph.D. for references). Dr. Carfora gave each participant a card for a FREE anti-oxidant screening.  Find out where you are - 50,000 is optimal many people are well below - but you need to be informed.  Dr. Carfora is adamant about knowing your levels ...vitamin D, testosterone, B12 etc etc. You must be an enlightened patient to advocate for your best quality of care.

Lida Olson,  "a cancer survivor herself, is a certified TriYoga teacher who brings warmth, compassion and understanding to her students. Her mission is to guide students towards finding their inner strength and increasing their self-awareness and their capacity for self-care. A renewed sense of health is experienced through her relaxing classes.
Lida has been working with cancer patients for half a decade and has studied yoga for more than ten years. Going through a grueling chemo/radiation treatment balanced with a variety of complementary healing methods, she knows the value of an integrated approach to healing the whole person. Lida has the background of an RN, is a Reiki master and has an in depth training in acupressure. Currently, she is working with the Center for Mind/Body Medicine to be certified as a CancerGuide."
She is actively involved with various healing centers, hospitals and health and fitness studios offering class participants the opportunity to participate actively in their own treatment. “I try to replace worry and fear with a sense of well-being and comfort." This is the second Wellness Weekends that Lida participated in - she is a gift for us to share! 

Dr. Michelle Kobbe (Larkfield Family Chiropractic) spoke at lunch explaining how subluxations, when addressed, can decrease the neuropathy that chemotherapy presents.  It is by allowing the optimal flow of energy or by limiting the blockage that we can optimize our health and wellness. Dr. Kobbe explained the many facets of chiropractic -  it is not just adjustments for back pain! The concerns that were brought up about osteoporosis and adjustments, and soft tissue treatment seemed to be well received by all.
Zumba by Amy Faiccoa was our newest welcome addition. Dance is a wonderful form of self expression and self discovery - and just so much fun. This was new for everyone so there was no pressure for the newbies - we were all newbies. Amy offers a variety of classes from Zumbatomic for kids, to Zumba Gold for seniors and individuals with limitations. There is also Aqua Zumba and Zumba toning - if you are considering a Zumba class there is one for you. 631-252-4926
Meditation was led by Rosemary Magginnis followed by a Reiki circle  with  Masters - Rosemary, Teresa, Patti and Carol. "Reiki is a gentle, non-invasive holistic healing method that balances your body, mind, emotions and spirit as a  whole in a relaxing manner that may promote self healing." You must allow yourself the quiet and believe in the healing power, enjoy the warmth and let it happen.

We had a pre-dinner art therapy project presented by Meghan Gasior on totem animals, a gift box was designed by each participant after a guided meditation.  Each animal represents specific traits and leads to self discovery. This is a very interesting project - just google totem animals to find what attributes you are focusing your attention on.

At our dinner we had Dawn Brauer give a very interesting presentation on the Law of Attraction, what better way to end the night but on a positive note.  Very empowering when you realize that you are in command of what you bring into your life.  "The universe does not hear good or bad; want or don't want.  It delivers unfailingly and indiscriminately what you focus on." Simply by tweaking the messages you send to be positive and deserving you will allow those benefits to be received. 631-431-6824

Strength for Life is grateful for all the talented individuals that have come to help us share  their powerful tools with you. If you want to reach any of the speakers/presenters we do attempt to keep the website updated with everyone's information under 'support',  and feel free to email or call us with any questions and ideas you may have.

"We are not here to merely make a living. We are here to enrich the world, and we impoverish ourselves if we forget this errand."

~ Woodrow Wilson

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

To BElieve or Not to Believe.....

In science,  "a common assumption of astrologers is that celestial placements can aid in the interpretation of past and present events, and in the prediction of the future."

I believe because I believe, I trust, I have faith and sometimes given the best of belief it seems the world has a different plan. And I muddle through waiting for a sign, a change,  something GOOD!

Then there are times when everything just falls into place with absolutely no effort at all.

Today was one of those days.  Thank you Lord!

I will not bore you with details - but this is the season to BELIEVE, so please do that!

"The essence of all that you appreciate is constantly flowing into your reality. As you find more things to appreciate, your state of appreciation opens more avenues to more for which to feel appreciation."  
from 'Ask  is Given' by  Esther & Jerry Hicks

Monday, December 6, 2010

Simple ways to reduce stress.....

Below are links to two great articles that will help you reduce stress.  The first is the 'art of breathing', so simple, so free and always available.  Yoga practitioners have utilized breath for thousands of years and now we are studying the effects on chronic illnesses. Breathing effects the heart, the brain, digestion  and the immune system.  Another 'no brainer' - we breathe - lets put it to our best advantage....

This second link is perfect for the season - how giving effects us.  Is it the 'warm glow', a link to parenting or is it hormone related.  Oxycontin, a hormone produced in the pituitary gland and the brain, released during childbirth and as people bond is directly related to generosity. Be enlightened by this article and consider how you feel when you give!

Then, of course, there is a massage, a soak in the tub, a walk in the have skills to tap into easily....

"One would give generous alms if one had the eyes to see the beauty of a cupped receiving hand."   ~ Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Friday, December 3, 2010

Hiking on Long Island - did you know?

I did run once upon a time and still try but really do not love it and it does not love me, so I picked up more biking until the day I fell and was brought by ambulance for an enormous amount of stitches where the pedal entered my hiking it is!

I had hiked once or twice (totally turned around and lost once) but I am game for any activity with my feet on the ground. So my friend and I investigated the Greenbelt trail from Hauppauge and found it interesting. The next week we investigated Caleb Smith Park - and found a jewel right here in Smithtown.  On our third adventure we followed the Greenbelt Trail from Smithtown Landing toward Sunken Meadow - up to a 3 hour hike....with a few wrong turns (that's what happens when you are so engrossed in a conversation you don't look for markings).... on our fourth we returned to the Smithtown Landing/Greenbelt area and made it all the way to Sunken Meadow and back in 4 hours no wrong turns. Beautiful!

So much fun and all you need is a walking stick or two (preferred) and hiking boots to keep your ankles safe. You will pass a group or two, maybe a couple with a few animals but most of all you are alone in nature the view of the Nissequogue is outstanding and it is quiet! This is a treat so close to us, in many ways.

The Greenbelt trail ( has so much to offer we can be busy for the year. There are 200 miles of the Greenbelt Trail with guided hikes of all levels for those who are concerned about getting lost or those who are less adventurous (or smarter) about investigating an activity. 

I will be back on the bike because the century ride is still a goal, but until the nicer biking weather - hiking it is!

Go take a hike - you will enjoy it!

"Take only pictures; leave only footprints."
~ Anonymous

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Vitamin D - the controversy

This short video just offers a snippet of the controversy of Vitamin D deficiency.  Whatever you pick up to read you can't get away from the subject so perhaps Dr. Holick PhD, MD can spread some light on it with his book "The Vitamin Solution". 

We are leaving 2010 shortly and with our new 2011 annual physicals - you should ask to have your levels checked.  See where you are, think about how you feel, your symptoms and perhaps take a supplement if your doctor prescribes it. The 15 minutes of sun exposure to your arms and body may be perfect if your levels are up but may not be cutting it if they are very low. 

We have learned to slather on sunscreen but we do need our Vitamin D from the sun - be informed and make the decision that works for you.

The average CBC blood work is not enough there are so many levels to be checked on - go to your appointment armed with requests - they are drawing your blood anyway.

A good thorough exam and blood work with a trusted physician is paramount to your health and wellness!

The patient should be made to understand that he or she must take charge of his own life. Don't take your body to the doctor as if he were a repair shop.

~Quentin Regestein