Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Great article promoting exercise for cancer patients....YES!!!!

Just  in case you have not seen/read this article here's the link. I love it that friends/family members called to tell us about it - great that means it is being read!


Kudos that it is has been written - we can not say this enough!

Monday, June 28, 2010

Our November Run and Supporters already...........

The first annual "Evelyn Knapp" memorial run to be held on November 21, 2010  has some early sponsors - and we would like to say thank you and let you begin to support them as well.

Super Runners Shop Inc. http://www.superrunnersshop.com/  located in Huntington, NY
If you need information and education about proper fit, proper shoe selection - you must visit this store and try the video gait analysis - your body will thank you. 

Grassland Beef LLC dba US Wellness Meats http://www.grasslandbeef.com/Page.bok?file=about.html
If you have not read enough about the advantages of grass fed beef - peruse this website and educate yourself- so much more than just beef!

The Greater Long Island Running Club (GLIRC) has provided Strength for Life with a list of expenses totaling $8900 (approximately) with sponsorships from $150 – to $2000 for the variety of tasks to accomplish. Please join us by sponsoring this first annual “Evelyn Knapp” Memorial Run and make this run a success! In return, we will display your name on the tee shirts, link your information on our website and/or consider alternate acknowledgements................  WIN/WIN

"To keep the body in good health is a duty... otherwise we shall not be able to keep our mind strong and clear."         Buddha

Friday, June 25, 2010

Asking for your help again........just a few minutes - no $$$$ involved....

Our dearest friend, a charmer for sure - Alex Lubarsky submitted a video to the next next Oprah!!! contest.  We nudged to get Alex to do this so I am imploring you to watch his video and cast a vote.  If the short video does not give you that immediate urge - view his website 'Navel Expo' and more of his clips....I am confident you will see what we do - and why we love him and believe he would do well with this opportunity to educate the masses with the steps and rules to achieve optimal wellness!!!


Friday, June 18, 2010

Please complete this survey for better medical management...

Just sharing some information for the good of all...........
Cancer Care Survey - Alicia Staley

"As most of you who have read my blogs and followed my saga know, I have struggled for so many years with my various cancer illnesses. Trying to balance my Doctor appointments, treatments, clinic visits, medications, diet and nutrition and many other aspects of my fight against cancer has become an almost insurmountable challenge. What appeared initially to be a routine medical process has turned out to be anything but that. So, I am trying to do something about it! Some really smart people are helping me to design a method to help me and others, like you, to really take control and manage my medical processes and MY LIFE, and, we are hoping, yours! We have some great thoughts on how to deliver better medical management, care, and information flow and would appreciate very much your thoughts and input.

Please take a few minutes and fill out our survey on behalf of The Awesome Cancer Survivor, and The Staley Foundation. This will assist us to move forward with cutting edge help and assistance to so many people. "

Signed,    Alicia Staley

Chase Community Giving.......

We are asking you once again - to vote for Strength for Life, IF you are a Facebook subscriber:


Chase Community Giving is back to give away another $5 million, and you help decide which 200 local charities receive donations. Just search, vote, and share your enthusiasm with your friends. It’s a new Way Forward for giving

One charity will receive $250k
4 runners-up will receive $100k
195 others will receive $20k

It is so simple - just enter "Strength for Life"  "zip 11776" and "vote" - DONE!!!

As they say "the power of giving is in your hands" - help us represent!

You are allowed 20 votes - make Strength for Life one of them!

"Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much." Helen Keller

Saturday, June 12, 2010

How can we top Sky Diving???

We are brainstorming/planning tonight regarding future fundraisers and events, feel free to comment and weigh in on our suggestions.  If you are a Facebook user - you might have seen the first suggestion
  • "Spin 45 min Smithtown - Run 1.3 miles- Kayak the Nissequogue - 1.3 Run to return to Smithtown"
  • White water rafting
  • Yoga & Hiking
  • Kayaking
Sky Diving was an awesome opportunity for some to live out a dream and raise money for a cause; we want to promote activities that you may want to participate in.... and helping a cause might be the impetus to do that.

I am not confident we can establish all these ideas this year but we can put them in the tickler file for next year. Our main focus is getting the November run down; then some alternatives and then the grand finale - a "triathlon" in the future.  We can do this!!  You can help!

Trust me when I say - neither Debbie or I have issues letting go.....meaning - IF you would like to be the chairperson of any event........we welcome it!  We simply want to offer alternatives AND since we rely on our fundraising events to continue our programs, we need to add that into the mix. 

We welcome suggestions....via the website or as a comment here...please feel free!

"The successful always has a number of projects planned, to which he looks forward. Anyone of them could change the course of his life overnight."

-Mark Caine

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Your 2010 Goals...

How close are you at achieving them?  Here we are in June - well into the year and I am just reminding you to check in with your goals. 
  • Have you achieved them?
  • Have you amended them?
  • Have you abandon them?
I hope that you are still considering the goals you chose and the reason for the decision to make the change! You may have decided to alter your goals - but there must be a new goal and a new plan in place for your success!

Our goals can only be reached through a vehicle of a plan, in which we must fervently believe, and upon which we must vigorously act. There is no other route to success.

~ Pablo Picasso
Remember, your goal should be clearly stated - write it down, and when doing this write it down as a positive!

  • it should be reasonable and attainable - perhaps you need to break it down into smaller more easily attainable goals; this time add dates and small achievements that you can measure and reward yourself with each goal you do accomplish.
  • something genuine that you desire to achieve for yourself;
Keep in mind:

S - specific
M - measurable
A - attainable
R - relevant
T - time bound

"Decide what you want, decide what you are willing to exchange for it. Establish your priorities and go to work."      H. L. Hungt

Friday, June 4, 2010

Take a ten minute guided meditation with me.........

Compliments of Cancer Connect...awesome resource for information! And under 'videos',  'whole health' enjoy a 10 minute meditation... The visuals are absolutely beautiful if you are stealing a moment and you are away from home - or lay down, close you eyes and really engage your breathing and self for 10 minutes...the best 10 minutes of your day. Enjoy!!!


and of course navigate the entire website - fabulous information!