Friday, November 27, 2009

Chase Community Giving

If you are on Facebook or know someone that is PLEASE, visit and cast a vote for Strength for Life, Port Jefferson Station.

Chase is giving away $5 million - $25,000 to charities that collect the most votes. You can vote for up to 20 charities - we are asking that you vote for Strength for Life once! This $25000 can make an enormous difference to our organization which depends on donations and is all volunteer!

Please ask everyone you know to just do this one favor.

Sign into Facebook, search Chase Community Giving, enter your charity "Strength for Life", Port Jefferson Station/Terryville and cast a vote - you may need to become a fan first. Please take the time and honor this one request - and please ask anyone you know that is on FB.

Thank you!

Monday, November 23, 2009

Thankful each day.............

More than a week ago, I accepted a challenge to write each day what I was thankful for. It came about on Facebook - and a I, personally, find it difficult passing up a challenge. Well the first day, of course, it was personal - I was thankful for my daughter and the wonderful person she has become - yada, yada, yada (she is though). The feedback questioned whether I was hitting the bottle - because it came out of nowhere to many.

The original challenge stated it would be more difficult as the days neared Thanksgiving - however, I believe it has become easier. There are so many things to be thankful for - we just have to stop and notice them all.

Well today, I received an email from - that they would donate the necessary stability balls we need for our next class and the next wellness weekend. Awesome!

I noticed our stock had dwindled after the past wellness weekend and sent out an email - and Troy responded favorably to our request. If I only had that "staples" button - that was EASY!

Thank you Troy, thank you all that donated to (over $3000); thank you all that donated to "Train the Trainer"; thank you my friends and family for being my friends and close family! Life is Good!

Have a very Happy Thanksgiving!

Monday, November 16, 2009

I get nervous.....

when I see that so many days passed with not an update. OMG - forgive me! But be grateful I am not filling the pages with nonsense - like this one.

Keep coming back - there will be important updates coming soon - why you ask? because Debbie has BIG plans. The wellness weekend just started the ball rolling, one blog reader had to ask about a "splinter group" and where do you think that one comment will bring us. NAVEL, move over - Strength for Life is coming after you for Cancer Wellness specifically.

Nothing like this on Long Island yet? Must be our calling.

Quite seriously - all is good, and may we be blessed enough to be able to educate many cancer patients/survivors and caregivers with tools to use for the mind, body and soul.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Upper GI Cancer group at Stony Brook

Tonight Debbie and I had the opportunity to meet with another support group at the Stony Brook Cancer Center for upper GI cancer. Although we were well received we did not receive anyone ready to jump up and join our fitness class. Mull it over - you will learn to love us and the message we send soon enough.

On the way out, nosey as we are - we walked around checking out spaces. The Cancer Center has approved Strength for Life to hold a class there - so we were prospecting.

Lo and behold the SPOHNC group was having there meeting on an off night - so we got to talk to Dennis and George again. They had read our blog and knew that our weekend was a success; and we shared with them that our next weekend (February '10) is earmarked for their group. SPOHNC had so many interested participants in the classes and the weekend we wanted to offer them the opportunity to be our guests for the forthcoming wellness weekend.

What a wonderful opportunity for Debbie and I to meet so many fabulous individuals.

"Life is a gift, and it offers us the privilege, opportunity, and responsibility to give something back by becoming more”...Anthony Robbins

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Anti- climax????

Oh - all that planning, and now it is over! You can wish your life away, can't wait till this and that is over (I have been guilty) and then there is the let down that it is over! So many wonderful emotions were shared, we had laughter, tears and many "Ah-hah" moments. There were needed hugs and willing huggers; there were moments that laughter was not appropriate - but none-the-less acceptable because we were all on the same page.

Debbie and I do our 'shtick' during the strength training class - we play off each other - laugh at each other and try always to make the moments light.

We were followed by Michelle, a young, albeit wise, yoga instructor. Michelle introduced yoga and the asanas - in a way you had to understand the simplicity of the movement. Listen to your body, this is not a competition, relax into it. IT FELT SO GOOD!

Lunch, lightness and cookies!!!!!!! A chance to be one - together!

Then Joe came! Totally unassuming, uncomplicated - no wait these words are all wrong. With Joe there is no complication, no assumptions - he is a soft gentle man, welcoming soul, patience is his aura. Joe allowed all to transpire around him - and when everything settled - he took hold of the class. Joe broke down the barriers, he introduced tai chi in the most basic of ways. How can you build on a subject without the true essence of what it is! The forty-five minutes was too fast for all - we wanted more - of Joe! How can you ask someone to swing their arms round and round for a time with their full attention, how can you teach one simple movement and have everyone wanting more - it was Joe the person, what he has learned in the practice of martial arts that we were craving more of.

We gave them no rest, we collected chairs in a circle and Michelle took over for a chakra meditation. Twenty of us in a circle, all visualizing, feeling each chakra, each hue spinning....powerful.

From chakra meditation to a reiki circle, healing hands! Three of our cancer survivors were also reiki masters - Thank you!

We then adjourned for anti-oxidant screenings by Teresa Carfora, eye opening information. 50,000 is the goal - so where are you? Most of us not nearly there.

Sorry there was no time to freshen up - a quick visit to their rooms and dinner was ready to be served. Good food, good conversations - and more dessert!

Roxanne Carfora, DO - anti -aging specialist, functional medicine practictioner, family medicine doctor - honors abound- kept the audience captivated! Everyone was focused on her information - more ah-hah moments! Remember, these are cancer survivors/patients and the information shared this night - was far from what they learned by their traditional doctors. What should you eat? how much vitamin supplements of C & E is appropriate - if at all? Soy - good or bad for breast cancer patients? Sugar - cancer cells feed on sugar? Alkaline vs Acidity - where does cancer survive best? Lemons are acidic but convert with water to alkalize the system!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG!!!!

A lesson: Like geese, people who share a common direction and sense of community, who take turns doing demanding jobs, and who watch out for one another, can get where they are going more quickly and easily because they are traveling on the thrust of their teammates. Geese are defined by how they stay connected with one another.

Friday, November 6, 2009

The Night Before................

Not Christmas - although by the looks of my car it might as well be. It's the first wellness weekend, with scattered items galore; printers that decided to run out of ink, instructors (volunteer remember) that have yet to confirm; loss of electricity and phone lines - BREATHE!

Go with the flow, it is about the intention, everything happens for a reason- these are the thoughts I am trying to Inhale, Exhale!!!!

Honestly, I know it will be alright - but what is a blog without drama! It has been a bit hectic because we really don't know what to expect and what could go wrong - but we are doing this for wonderful people, and however we need to make it happen we will.

Say a prayer for us tonight and tomorrow - we can use all the divine intervention you can drum up.

Be well, check back - it is sure to be a story!

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Train the Trainer

Rockville Centre and the generous clients and trainers brought in $820 for Strength for Life.

Thank you all from the bottom of our hearts, we could not go forward with all our mighty plans without these donations. Saturday, November 7, is our first Wellness Weekend - with lodging, meals and supplies made possible by your generous donations.

Please continue to support our events - the comedy show in March, and a group sky dive in May.....the coming year promises some great experiences.

To Rockville Centre PTI - you are the best! Thank you!

Monday, November 2, 2009

NAVEL EXPO - November 1, 2009

Awesome for Strength for Life at the Navel Expo. Prior to our attendance Debbie mantra was "on fire!" and she definitely lived up to that.

We had the opportunity to meet many wonderful individuals at the Navel Expo, some came to us and some we ran down. We were the only booth that did not mind people passing us up. You don't know anyone living with cancer or affected by cancer? GREAT! So, not the case for most.

Our intent was to get 'Strength for Life' out there, spread the word.By doing this we can ask for the support we need. We returned with resources for the exercise dvd we want to produce; we met comediennes that can help on our next comedy show fund raiser; we spoke to a few willing sky divers for the May fund raising event - (a group sky dive for Strength for Life); news media; yoga/reiki and spiritual/wellness practitioners and so on. Many deserve a full blog - and that will be addressed as the time moves on.

It was great - again - thank you Alex Lubarsky!

We did abandon the table at times to sit in on a few of the lectures - incredible information shared - an extraordinary event. Knowledge is power, there was much to be shared in one day.